5 Little Monkeys: Books – Activities – Crafts & More
5 Little Monkeys has been a childhood favorite rhyme of many generations. One of the great things about this story is the joy and fun it elicits, as well as the opportunity for extended learning activities and ideas.
Since this was a favorite in our house, I took the time to compile some fun resources including books, printables, crafts and more!
5 Little Monkeys Song
This is the version of 5 Little Monkeys that Mr. Mike (our storytime guy) sings and does with the kids at Storytime on Wednesdays. The kids love to bump themselves on the head and say, “Ouch!”. I recently found the wonderful series of books about the 5 Little Monkeys by Eileen Christelow. Ava’s favorite is the one where they play hide and seek
. I love it because it includes numbers beyond just 10.
5 Little Monkeys
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head. Ouch!
Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said,
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”
Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head. Ouch!
Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said,
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”
Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head. Ouch!
Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said,
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”
Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head. Ouch!
Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said,
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”
One little monkey jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head. Ouch!
Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said,
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”
No little monkeys jumping on the bed,
None fell off and none bumped their heads.
Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said,
“Let ALL the little monkeys jump on the bed!”
5 Little Monkeys Printables
- Print out the rhyme in coloring book form
- FREE Printable Coloring Sheets (1) (2)
- Fun hands on activities from Make Learning Fun. I particularly like the Barrel of Monkeys color match printable activity.
- Storyboard/Sequencing Activity
Monkey Crafts
- Super cute FREE Printable Monkey Craft (pictured above)
- Monkey Crafts from DLTK – Kids
- Popsicle Stick Printables and Craft
5 Little Monkeys Books
- 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
- Reading in Bed
- Jump in the Bath
- Sitting in a Tree
- Play Hide and Seek
- Bake a Birthday Cake
- With Nothing to Do
- Wash the Car
- Go Shopping
- Trick or Treat
More Monkey Madness

5 Little Monkeys Educational App (pictured above)
January 11, 2011 @ 12:20 pm
Lovely blog! Stopping by here from the Hip Homeschooling Hop! Love the “Five Little Monkeys”–so cute! 🙂
January 11, 2011 @ 12:53 pm
Popped over from the HHH. I am so thankful that we are having round 2 of little kids so we can re-read this story. My mom purchased a version for my kids years ago that has raised monkeys that subtract on each page…They loved it!
PS Your blog format is awesome!
January 11, 2011 @ 2:01 pm
Now I am going to have that song in my head all afternoon! Just stopping by from HHH!
January 11, 2011 @ 4:41 pm
Five little monkeys is a favorite here.
August 27, 2017 @ 10:53 am
So funny and lovely! I’ll play this with my kids!