10 Secular Science Curriculum Options for Your Homeschool
When it comes to science most people find themselves on the Christian/creationism side, or the secular most likely evolution side. We have used some of each as I like to present my children with information about both views. So I have compiled a list of secular science curriculum options for you to choose from. They range from elementary options, all the way through high school.
Secular Science Curriculum Options
1. Singapore Science – Offering science options for grades 1-10
2. Oak Meadow – K-8 and high school
3. ck12 – Free Curriculum (no labs)
4. R.E.A.L Science – Comes in two levels: 1st-5th and 5th-9th
5. Elemental Science – Based in the classical education style, this science curriculum has offerings for elementary, middle and high school
6. Mr. Q – The Classic Science Curriculum is designed for elementary, middle and the newer Advanced levels for high school.
7. Noeo Science – provides a quality homeschool science curriculum for elementary students, including award-winning experiment kits, fascinating books, and easy-to-use instructor’s guides.
8. Taylor Made Science – LIVE Online Science courses for High School such as Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
9. BioZone Biology – Includes courses in Anatomy & Physiology, Environmental Science, and even AP.
10. Real Science-4-Kids – Elementary and Middle School science. NOTE: Real Science-4-Kids is worldview neutral, meaning that it doesn’t teach evolution, creationism, or intelligent design.
While elementary science seems easy to fulfill, and middle school is still manageable, it can sometimes be hard to tackle high school science. I always knew I was NOT going to set up a high school Chemistry lab in my house! While we easily did Biology with dissections at home, I chose to send her to the local community college for Chemistry. I did so after having covered the basics of chemistry in both elementary, middle school, and again with Integrated Physics and Chemistry in 9th grade.
July 6, 2016 @ 7:17 am
It might be of value to your secular readers to note that R.E.A.L Science, Elemental Science, and Noeo are NOT secular. They do not teach, nor start, with a foundation of evolution and are at best ‘neutral’ science, which is not real science. Pandia Press is secular and one of it’s science authors wrote this blog post to help understand why neutral science is not neutral:
July 8, 2016 @ 7:57 am
Thank you so much Mari for offering your insight and information!
Finishing Strong: High School Science Edition Sept 28th
September 28, 2016 @ 11:01 am
[…] post, 10 Secular Science Curriculum Options provides a great springboard if you are looking for material from a secular perspective. If you […]
July 9, 2017 @ 1:08 pm
Mari B. – If I click on the R.E.A.L. Science link, it goes to Pandia Press website. Can you help me understand how Pandia Press is secular, but R.E.A.L science is not if Pandia Press is selling it? I just started looking into what science curriculum I want to use. I’m grateful for all of the helpful blog posts and links!
5 Tips for Homeschooling Gifted Students – Infographic Portal
September 21, 2017 @ 10:45 pm
[…] be to arrange the homeschooling in the sequence on lesson-break. Free homeschooling programs and secular science curriculum are available on the Internet, so creating fundamental curriculum cannot be a complicated […]
October 29, 2017 @ 8:59 pm
REAL Science Odyssey IS SECULAR. And it is from Pandia Press. I’m not sure what the first poster was thinking when she said it is not. I am thinking that she meant to say that Real Science 4 Kids is NOT secular. It IS actually based in intelligent design though it touts itself as “neutral.”
October 30, 2017 @ 7:21 pm
Thank you for your insight! I think secular is one of those terms that people vary in definition on. In the case of this list, I guess I was headed more towards “not overtly religious”. I am always thrilled to gain knowledge from others though!
July 16, 2018 @ 3:05 pm
NOEO Science isn’t secular. I just was looking at the description for chemistry and it wraps up with this sentence: “All of these books have been carefully selected by Dr. Randy Pritchard (a practicing veterinarian and homeschooling father of two boys) to guide children into discovery of the complexity, order, and wonder of God’s design.”
July 16, 2018 @ 3:08 pm
This is what Cathy Duffy reviews has to say, “While the curriculum itself reflects a Christian worldview, most of the resource books do not. The introduction to each book suggests using encounters with secular or materialist viewpoints in the resource books as opportunities for discussion rather than skipping over them. I also suggest that since the resource books are your primary source of information, Christian parents might want to add discussion about God’s design or presence when it seems appropriate.”