3 in 30 Challenge ~ May 2011
It’s been said that it takes 21 days to create new habits. Each month (approximately each 30 days) the 3in30 Challenge starts fresh. Choose up to 3 goals you’d like to work on. Then, throughout the month there will be weekly link-ups and opportunities for daily encouragement and accountability.
This is my very first stab at the 3 in 30 Challenge. Seeing as I love to see things in black and white (especially if it means checking off something I have accomplished), I thought this might be a great way to hold myself accountable to some very small, simple goals. I created this chart for me to fill in with my 3 goals and a few ways that I am working on reaching those goals. Hop on over to the link up to support others in their quest for meeting the goals for the lives!
May 1, 2011 @ 10:20 pm
I love the 3 in 30 challenge. It has been hard to keep up with what is going on with my mother, but I will watching your progress and be praying for your success. Thank you for linking up at NOBH, and another great month of blog hopping. Have a wonderful week!
May 2, 2011 @ 9:23 am
We’re so excited to have you joining us, Heidi!! You’ve done a great job in identifying reasonable goals and breaking them into steps that you can achieve… great start to the month of May!!
May 2, 2011 @ 4:31 pm
I love your positive, reasonable goals to achieve and the chart to keep track and be held accountable. You know your mother, I couldn’t help but be reminded of yet another scripture. Philippians 2:14 “Do everything without complaining or arguing.” Ouch! The word everything oh boy not easy to live up to. But what a beautiful way to end dinner with sharing/focusing on something you are thankful for. As we all know, it is so easy to focus on the negatives rather than the positives.
May 5, 2011 @ 10:29 am
I love your blog. It’s so tastefully done. Great 3 in 30 goals!
May 5, 2011 @ 10:46 am
Thank you Robin. It is a work in progress. This theme has so many possibilities that I have yet to tap into.
May 5, 2011 @ 10:48 am
Ashley, I really like the idea of small bit sized goals. It also helps to know you have put it out there in black and white! Extra motivation to follow through!