3 in 30 July Goals
I am already starting out July by being behind in posting my goals! Never fear though as I have known what they are going to be and have been diligently working on them (well, some of them). My first goal, and the biggest one I have chosen to tackle may take more than one month. I have recently noticed a trend in our families “tone”. It really hit me again that it was something we needed to work on when I was reviewing the book Billy Graham in Quotes. One of his quotes on family goes like this: “More friction and tensions are caused in a family by tone of voice than for any other one reason.” It was at this moment that I decided to really make this goal the forefront of my efforts for this month, and the months to come. I believe this to be very important, and something that we ALL need to work on.
July 5, 2011 @ 1:10 pm
I too agree with Billy Graham about “tone” and the negative consequences within our family life and other relationships. Tone presents its self with a critical spirit also. I certainly need improvement in this department as well. There are many scriptures that refer to our speech and that it comes from what is in our hearts that we might not even be aware of. One verse that comes to mind is Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”
I am praying for myself and your family that we will be keenly aware and persevere at toning our “tone”.
By the way, when Lorraine was here she spent some time reading Billy Graham’s quotes too.
July 11, 2011 @ 6:05 am
Very nice goals! You are ahead of me for sure! Thanks for sharing at NOBH>