365 Project ~ Days 15, 16 & 17
Day Fifteen: Saturday, January 15th
Chloe and her friend Marisa decided to try their hand at drawing some birds out of a Draw 50 Birds Book that I just acquired for 50 cents at the public library book sale. Needless to say it did not last very long before they headed into silliness. This photo is Chloe’s “portrait” of Joey!
Day Sixteen: Sunday, January 16th
This will be our third year doing a neighborhood food drive on Martin Luther King Day. It started the first year we moved into this house when President Obama was urging everyone to get out and serve their community for Martin Luther King Day. So we started our own family organized neighborhood food drive. We print up fliers and put them in the newspaper boxes a few days in advance asking people to just leave their food donations out on their porch, and leaving a number to contact us if they had a larger amount and wanted us to come at another time.
I received a phone call on Sunday afternoon from a man in our neighborhood who had purchased 4 cases of food from Aldi’s and was unable to leave it out due to his work schedule. So we hopped in the truck and drove over to pick it up! We were so thrilled to start out this years drive with a bang!
Day Seventeen: Monday, January 17th
Now onto Martin Luther King Day in which we drive around the neighborhood and pick up all the canned goods that we asked people to leave out. It is a great way for the kids to get involved and do something to help those that don’t have access to the amount of food that we do. This year we were able to cover more of the neighborhood, and it paid off. We almost tripled the number of houses that participated this year! I am looking forward to getting our letter from Foodlink that tells us how many pounds we donated. I am sure we beat last years 74lbs by a good margin!
January 17, 2011 @ 7:53 pm
Received a huge chuckle after viewing Chloe’s picture of her father.
Pride and thanksgiving are welling up inside me for how you and Joey are demonstrating to your children in action just how to be compassionate and generous towards those that are less fortunate.