365 Project ~ Days 18-21
Day Eighteen: Tuesday, January 18th
This is our first try at a new drawing game called Pick and Draw. The kids loved the pre-given shape ideas for the different pieces of the face, and then they stemmed off into their own fun additions to their drawings.
Day Nineteen: Wednesday, January 19th
Sledding at Frisbee Hill. The kids live for 3 things in the winter: sledding, igloo building, and ice skating. Up the hill Jayden comes again! You can see the exasperation on his face! Down is always more fun than up!
Day Twenty: Thursday, January 20th
My new beauty regime. How did I get to the age where I have to concern myself with “fine lines and wrinkles”? Now it is all about trying to “reverse” the effects of aging. Whatever happened to growing old gracefully?
Day Twenty-One: Friday, January 21st
Everyone takes at least one of these, right? I partially wanted to take this to show off my new strap cover that Joey bought me for Christmas. My friend Shana has one and I just had to have one too! They are so fun and funky!
January 23, 2011 @ 2:16 pm
Having the opportunity to experience pick and draw on Friday with you, Chloe and Jayden was great fun.
As far as my grandchildren loving outside winter activities, I’m thankful for Poppy who doesn’t mind the cold and is willing to be outside with them. I can tolerate it if the sun is shining, the temperature is above freezing and there is no wind.