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  1. Susan Evans (@SusanCEvans)
    April 3, 2018 @ 11:56 am

    A 4-day homeschool week sounds wonderful, except for the fact that we wouldn’t be able to take the summer off. All of us need a break. I used to homeschool year round with 3 months on, one month off, and that worked for years, since we had three big breaks.

  2. Heidi
    April 3, 2018 @ 5:19 pm

    Getting break is definitely important. I know we get fried if we push too hard for too long! We still take summers off. We also take 3 weeks at Christmas and a Spring Break too!

  3. Andrea
    January 28, 2021 @ 5:41 am

    So if your state (I am NYC, and struggling to do 4 days but meet requirements) requires 180 days, how do you “count” it with only 132 formal days? Trying to determine if we should do the traditional summer break or more of the year round approach.

  4. Heidi
    January 28, 2021 @ 5:55 pm

    I am in NYS myself. Just because you are not doing 180 days of formal work, does not mean kids aren’t learning on other days. Anything from cooking to chores, exploring their own child led interests, outside classes, 4H, Boy Scouts, or sports. All these things count as learning time. I also count time during the summer. Anything from kayaking, bike riding, camping skills, summer camps or classes, swimming, etc.

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