365 Project ~ Days 5 & 6
Day Five: Wednesday, January 5th
Snow, snow, came again. Since getting hit with two weeks of snow starting on the 1st of December, we have had virtually nothing else. Then we had a thaw and two days of 40-50 degree weather. The kids have been hoping for more snow so that they can build an igloo, build a snowman, go sledding, and shovel the driveway. Yes, I did say shovel the driveway! The literally fight over who gets what part, who got more to shovel than the other etc. They were thrilled to get out and shovel! This of course makes Mommy and Daddy very happy because it keeps them busy, and we don’t have to do it!
Day Six: Thursday, January 6th
Homeschool ice skating has become a staple part of our weekly routine during the winter. The kids look forward to getting on the ice, as well as seeing their friends. I decided to drag my camera along so that I could take some photos to choose from for this 365 Project. Upon coming home and uploading the photos from my camera, I did a little search for doing a collage in Photoshop CS5. The result that I found, and played with, is not what I had in mind, but a new skill just the same. Today’s photo is my first attempt at this kind of digital collage. There are of course many, many options. But my time and patience are limited, so this first attempt will have to do. Hopefully I will have some more time in the future to play around with this skill.