Simple Woman’s Daybook…January 25th 2010
I am following Shana’s lead, even though it seems she has finked out and only done this once! We will see how many times I can manage to complete and post one of these on Monday’s! This is from Peggy at The Simple Woman’s Daybook. It is a list of questions to answer each Monday – a simple journal of sorts. So here is my first go around at it!
January 25th, 2010…
Outside my window…the rain is still falling and the back yard is turning into a small pond.
I am thinking…that it is always so crowded and noisy at the gym on Monday nights.
I am thankful for…having access to the internet in so many places.
From the learning rooms…Haiti is in North America and is a part of Greater Antilles.
From the kitchen…chicken and broccoli pasta Alfredo.
I am wearing…pajamas at 4:20 in the late afternoon.
I am creating…new and hopefully interesting blog posts.
I am going…to have to hurry up and cook dinner so we can eat by 5pm.
I am reading…Certain Girls by: Jennifer Weiner
I am hoping…for better results this time.
I am hearing…the gentle pittering of the carbonation in my diet Pepsi can sitting on the desk nearby.
Around the house…there is a pillow and blanket trail from the fort that was built, used and deserted today.
One of my favorite things…Ava’s enthusiastic cries over her latest “find”. Today it was a dinosaur in the toy bin at the gym. She arose many a smile from her little celebration dance and cheers!
A few plans for the rest of the week: oh, where to begin….2 Doctors appointments for me, violin for Chloe, art class for the big two, preschool for the midget.
Here is the picture for thought I am sharing… my girls in their “matching leos” for the gym. Chloe purposely saves the blue one for Monday’s because that is when Ava is there. Chloe wants them to “match”. I think if she could have truly matching leos with her sister she would love it!
Seeing as I am sitting at the gym while Ava is in class, this is where my thoughts have gone. Ava’s coach also just informed me that she will be moving up in the “world” next session. Out of the Little Tykes and on to Pre-Level 1…..just what I did not need. Soccer can’t come soon enough for her! I can’t do two gym girls, not the money or the emotional drain!
January 27, 2010 @ 9:08 am
Interestilng way to start Monday’s out. It gives an insight to part of your day,perspective, and thoughts. You go daughter but don’t forget to carve out time each day just for you.
January 28, 2010 @ 8:56 am
Man!!! I need to type a little slower!!! I do know that this is how (Interestingly) should be spelled.