Thanksgiving Thankfuls ~ November 1st, 2011
Two years ago at this time I started a daily status on Facebook for something that I was thankful for. The challenge was to post a new/different “Thankful” each day of the month in honor of Thanksgiving. I had not given it too much thought last year until one of my Facebook Friends sent me a private message:
So last year I delved into the Thanksgiving Thankfuls again. Only I extended it to my blog. Once again this year I am resurrecting the Thanksgiving Thankfuls. I don’t currently have a linky going because I have not had much success with them. But if you would like to join me in Thanksgiving Thankfuls this year please grab my Thanksgiving Thankfuls button to add to your post, or blog, and leave me a comment with a link to your Thanksgiving Thankfuls post. I will compile all of them and put them together in my Thanksgiving Thanksfuls post at the end of each week. If we start to get a bunch of people participating then I will start adding a linky.
Here is the code for my Thanksgiving Thankfuls Button:
<a title=”” href=”″><img style=”border: none;” title=”Thanksgiving Thankfuls” src=”×500.jpg” alt=”” width=”200″ height=”175″ /></a>
Jenny over at A Mother’s Heritage is doing something similar on her Facebook page this month.
November 2, 2011 @ 1:04 am
Love this…taking the month to focus on thanking God for His goodness..
Thank you for sharing with NOBH…
~Kara @ The Chuppies/NOBH
November 2, 2011 @ 6:17 am
I am thankful for the reminder, always, to find gratitude everywhere in my life, not just in the big and joyful easy to find moments, but especially in those hard moments, when I struggle against being sharpened.
Thank you for your post, and for being part of the NOBH crew. I just found you a week or two ago and am enjoying myself lots!
November 12, 2011 @ 8:22 pm
This seems to be a great trend this year with my friends on facebook posting what they are thankful for. I’m 12 days to late to begin. But I enjoy seeing everyone’s thankfulness
You were one of the firsts if you did it last year!