Posts by Heidi Ciravola:
Thanksgiving Thankfuls
Today I am thankful for my treadmill. Seeing as I am in this endless struggle to lose and keep weight off, the treadmill can be quite a useful tool. I have not used it all that much because I have lost the weight by greatly altering my diet instead of adding in exercise. But […]
Hip Homeschool Hop ~ K’NEX
We do not have any K’NEX at home, but whenever we go to the Rochester Museum and Science Center the kids love to use their extensive collection of them. Not only do they have an endless supply of parts, but they have laminated sheet, after laminated sheet of different building directions. I was worried with […]
Thanksgiving Thankfuls
It has now been many days since I have done this. With the changing of my blog theme has come many more “issues” than we realized. Most of them have yet to be fixed so I hope all will bear with me throughout this transition. The new theme has much potential, but with that comes […]
Operation Chirstmas Child
Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is an initiative of Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian relief and development charity working amongst communities in need in 18 countries across Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Operation Christmas Child is a project that Chloe looks forward to each year. I remember last year she was bummed because we missed […]
Weekly Wrap-Up ~ Swimming and Gymnastics
Monday: Our kids usually enjoy science and history/geography the most because they are the most hands on. This week was no exception in our science studies. We are starting out this year with the solar system. This week was all about phases of the moon. The kids LOVED this one which is called Tasty Phases […]
Thanksgiving Thankfuls
Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.” -Buddha Today I am tired. […]

Preschool Readers List of Favorite Books
My preschooler, like my other two has a great love of books and reading. She not only wants to be read to, but will “read” on her own, as well as actually read simpler books with me. We have some favorites that I would like to share. Preschool Readers Read Alouds: The Red Blanket takes […]
Thanksgiving Thankfuls ~ November 8th, 2010
Today I am thankful for Alicia. She is one of Chloe’s coaches, as well as our neighbor. I am thankful for her for more than the obvious reason she would first mention…..she is Chloe’s personal taxi to and from the gym, a lot! I am thankful for her because she is a support, and a […]
I ♥ Faces ~ Orange
I ♥ Faces ~ Orange
Thanksgiving Thankfuls ~ November 7th, 2010
Today has been a day of transition. I finally bit the dust and bought a new theme for my blog….the problem is now I have to learn all the short codes, and other strange new terminology. So I am short and sweet today. Today I am thankful for the opportunity to enhance my blog once […]

Thanksgiving Thankfuls ~ November 6th, 2010
In a few short days my mother will be heading out on yet another missions trip with her church. I remember when she told us she was going on her first one, I was less than thrilled. Today, my feelings have not changed much, other than to say my anxiety about her leaving and returning […]