Posts by Heidi Ciravola:

The Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ June 29th, 2010
Simple Woman’s Daybook FOR TODAY: June 29th, 2010… Outside my window… it is barely light outside. So much to get done that I am up early to check a few things off my list, starting with my blog for today. I am thinking…that I would love to adopt a dog. Joey will kill me when […]

I ♥ Faces ~ Pets Only
I ♥ Faces is running on an animal theme this week. This photo is a random shot I happened to catch of my mother’s dog, Roxie. She loves to come to our house and run free in the fenced in yard. I took many photos of her on this same day rolling and running, but […]

11 Hours of Fun
We just spent the day at Seabreeze with our homeschooling group. We opened and closed the park, and had a blast along the way! I just wanted to share a couple of fun photos from our day. Unfortunately, if you look at these pictures you would think that Chloe and I were not there. We […]
It’s the Little Things Thursday
Those of you following my blog may have noticed a theme this week…Ava. On Monday, June 21st, Ava turned 4. Seeing as this was a BIG milestone in her book, much of my week has been spent around this occasion and Ava turning 4. So why should this post be any different? It shouldn’t and […]

The Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ June 22, 2010
Simple Woman’s Daybook FOR TODAY: June 22nd, 2010… Outside my window…no sun yet but here’s hoping! I am thinking…about how excited Ava was to turn 4. The past few weeks she has been telling me, “Mommy I am 3 (while holding up 3 fingers), but on June 21st I am going to be 4 (changing […]

I ♥ Faces ~ Celebrating Teens
I ♥ Faces is celebrating teens for the next 3 weeks. So in honor of teens here is a photo of my two crazy nephews. This is on the day that their parents (my brother-in-law and sister-in-law) got married for the second time! Week 25 – June 21st – “Celebrating Teens” We have been amazed […]

Benches on Parade ~ Week One
This summer, the Greater Rochester Area is doing a Community Arts project called Benches on Parade. Years ago they did one with horses that I never thought twice about. This summer the kids and I are filling a scrapbook with the information about these benches and photos of us with the benches. It is like […]

Married People & Their Rings ~ According to Jayden
I am sitting at the homeschool table with Chloe, working on her math. For whatever reason I look up at my hand, which I believe is holding the answer key. Suddenly I feel sick. Where is my wedding ring? My other two rings and my watch are still on, but my wedding ring is missing! […]
It’s the Little Things Thursday
It seems as though as I am always holding my breath, hoping the kids will behave while we are out. You don’t actually think they ever sit still, stop fighting, keep their hands to themselves, lower their voices while inside etc.! Every now I then I am surprised to find that there is some good […]