Posts by Heidi Ciravola:

The Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ June 1st, 2010
Simple Woman’s Daybook FOR TODAY: Tuesday June 1st, 2010… Outside my window…for the first time in many days it is dreary out. After so many beautiful days of sunshine it is raining outside this morning. I am thinking…about the end of the school year coming close. Although we are year round homeschoolers, for the summer […]

I ♥ Faces ~ Barefoot Week
I ♥ Faces is taking a week off from judging photos, but instead wants to focus on a charity they feel strongly about. The charity is Soles 4 Souls and you can read about it below: About Soles 4 Souls: Soles4Souls is a Nashville-based charity that collects shoes from the warehouses of footwear companies and […]

Book Review – The Shack
. Title: The Shack . Author: William P. Young . Copyright Date: paperback, July 1st, 2007; 256 pages . Publisher: Windblown Media . ISBN: 0964729237 . Brief Character List: Mackenzie Philips, Nan his wife, Missy the child who is murdered, the holy trinity as played by: Papa, Jesus, and Sarayu . Enotes Synopsis: . The […]
It’s the Little Things Thursday
I remember the “Little Thing” post that I forgot from last week! Chloe does not like to write. It is the one thing that I have left a little by the wayside, trusting that she will come around to it in her own time. A few months ago I gave her a rhyming dictionary and […]

The Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ May 25th, 2010
Simple Woman’s Daybook FOR TODAY: May 25, 2010… Outside my window…the sun is shining brightly and the temperature on the thermometer is rising! I am thinking…about Chloe’s good friend Shannon who spent all night in the ER last night. It seems as though she has broken her toe/foot and will see an orthopedic for treatment. […]

I ♥ Faces ~ Yellow
Over at I ♥ Faces the theme for the week is the color yellow. So the challenge is to have the color yellow and a human face somewhere in your photo. Not sure what I am going to find for this one. I have a series of photos that I took of Chloe on slide […]
Book Review- Bel Canto
. Title: Bel Canto . Author: Ann Patchett . Copyright Date: 2002 – Paperback, 336 pages . Publisher: Harper Perennial . ISBN: 978-0060934415 . Brief Character List: Mr. Hosokowa a Japanese Businessman, Roxanne Coss an American soprano opera singer, Reuben Iglesias the vice – president, Gen Wantanabe – Hosokowa’s interpreter, Carmen – a young terrorist, […]
The Buried Life ~ A Poem by Matthew Arnold
Light flows our war of mocking words, and yet, Behold, with tears mine eyes are wet! I feel a nameless sadness o’er me roll. Yes, yes, we know that we can jest, We know, we know that we can smile! But there’s a something in this breast, To which thy light words bring no rest, […]
It’s the Little Things Thursday
As you all know I have not posted since my “It’s the Little Things” post last week. I have been consumed with sore teeth from getting braces as an adult, and the endless hours of landscaping that has to be done in our yard. I seem to remember having a great idea for my Little […]
It’s the Little Things Thursday
This week I was so touched to receive a poem, two actually, that were written by Chloe for me. I had no idea she had done this for me! She has been working on a book of poetry for months now, but it is mostly about the changing of the seasons. She also wrote a […]