Hands-On History: Make-A-State Activity Pak
Hands-On History with Make-A-State Activity Pak from Home School in the Woods is an affordable and easy way to learn about the 50 states, making a lap-book for each one!
Smartphones and Social Media for Your Homeschooler
Smartphones and Social Media for Your Homeschooler is a look at how you can put these resource to good use with your kids for learning.
Fulfilling Homeschool High School Health Credits
I have seen many questions regarding Fulfilling Homeschool High School Health Credits. While many states do not require it as part of their homeschooling regulations, states such as NYS do. (See more about NYS Homeschooling Regulations here.) Whether your state requires it or not, homeschool high school health is something you may choose to incorporate […]
Why (and How) to Include Coding in Your Homeschool
The world today relies heavily on the use of computers. Preparing our kids to thrive in this digitally focused atmosphere requires more than just a basic understanding of how to use computers. By introducing coding in your homeschool during the developmental years, parents can place their children at an advantage to thrive in a world […]
4 Year High School Plan FREE Spreadsheet Printable
Planning for high school and college really ups the ante when it comes to what you need to do and know! While I was working out my curriculum plans for my oldest, I realized in order to accurately account for everything she would need, I would need to have a full 4 year high school […]
Spanish for Kids: A Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids® Review
Did you know that most colleges want to see two years of a foreign language on your high school transcript? Did you also know that the younger you introduce a language the easier it is for kids to learn? For these very reasons I have spent a great deal of time throughout our homeschooling years […]
Easy to Implement Homeschool Writing Curriculum: Writers in Residence™ Volume 2
Do you think you are a strong writer? Can you identify the parts of a sentence? Are you worried about teaching writing in your homeschool? I can tell you that I consider myself to be a strong writer, but I cannot identify all part of a sentence as readily as I should be able to, […]
Help for Teaching Homeschool High School Writing Skills
Just the words homeschooling high school can instill a deep seated fear in many. Then add words like math, or writing (even science) and the fear gets a little more intense. I am here to tell you that YOU CAN Homeschool High School! The key? You don’t have to do all the teaching! There are tons […]
Voices from History: Bring History Alive with Narrative and Poetry
This certainly isn’t the first, and most definitely will not be the last time you hear me talk about historical fiction. In my mind, there is no better way to make history intriguing and emotional. Without interest and emotion we do not engage, and thus plain history books with facts and excerpts fall short in […]
Earth Day Resources for Kids – Books/Projects/Food and More!
Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd with events worldwide in support of the environment, as well as to raise awareness for the environmental care and protection of our planet. This is a great time to celebrate nature, the earth, and teach our kids about how we can help preserve our planet. This Earth […]
Planning a 4 Day Homeschool Week
Each and every year something in our homeschool changes. We ebb and flow with our needs (both academic and personal) at the time and based on our previous experiences of what is working and what isn’t. I have used SO many different planning methods and planners as our needs have grown and changed. For this […]
Famous Artists Online Unit Study Volume 2
Are you looking for an easy way to add art into your homeschool? Or maybe you are in need of something to revitalize your homeschool this spring? Then you want to check out this Famous Artists Online Unit Study! What is an Online Unit Study? Over at Techie Homeschool Mom you will find a variety […]
Online CLEP Test Prep with Study.com
The cost of college grows exponentially each and every year. In our house we ensure each of our children can complete at least a two year degree without debt. One of the ways we do this is by using CLEP tests as a means of earning college credit for less. Want to know what a […]
4 Rainy Day Games You Can Make Yourself
Spring is coming! That means the snow might be melting but that also shuffles in April showers! With still more time inside, how we can we find new ways to entertain our restless kids? How about with rainy day games that you and the kids can make yourselves? Rainy Day Games You Can Make Yourself […]