5 Essay Writing Hacks for College Students
Writing is an essential part of college life. These essay writing hacks will help college students succeed with college essay assignments.
Homeschool High School ACT Prep
Homeschool High School ACT Prep includes information on scheduling and taking as well as resources for studying for the ACT.
Life Skills as High School Electives: Essentials for Stocking a Kitchen and Pantry
Teaching our children life skills is a key part of their growing up. It can be easy to take the things we do daily and weekly for granted, forgetting their our children might not have gained these skills. In order for our children to grow up, move out, and become fully functioning adults they need […]
Homeschool Field Trip – Museums Help Teach Diversity
Museums can be one of the best ways to educate your children while the entire family has fun! Museums offer the opportunity to experience history, art, culture, and more in a hands-on, immersive way. This experience helps to make facts jump from pages for kids of all ages. Homeschool Field Trip – Museums There are […]
Virtual Frog Dissection Resources
That smell. Can you smell the formaldehyde? It is often a dreaded part of high school biology class. The good news is that if you don’t have the resources (or the stomach) for a frog dissection lab, there are are plenty of Virtual Frog Dissection Resources to choose from! I have now had the opportunity […]
Life Skills as High School Electives: Home Economics and Shop Class
One of the most important subjects in your child’s education are those things that fall under the category of “life-skills”. Many of these skills used to be taught in Home Economics and Shop Class, but seem to have fallen by the wayside in lieu of things like standardized testing. Teaching Life Skills as High School […]
Switzerland Unit Study – History, Geography, a Lapbook & More!
Have you ever tried a unit study? Do you like the idea of immersing yourself and your kids in a country and culture? Using this Switzerland Unit Study you can not only learn about cuckoo clocks, cooking, learning about cheese, Swiss history (including the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland), and geography, but you go on a […]
Our Favorite Dr Seuss Books
On March 2nd we celebrate the birth of Dr. Seuss. While he isn’t a great American hero, he is a great American author. Dr. Seuss was born Theodor Seuss Geisel and is best known for authoring popular children’s books under the pen name Dr. Seuss. Dr Seuss books run from board books for little ones, rhyming, […]
32 Easy Hands On Activities for Your Child
Whether your children are homeschooled or not, having easy hands on activities for them to do is a great way to have fun, and learn something at the same time! This guest article offers up some suggestions to get you started! 32 Easy Hands On Activities for Your Child My niece was not home schooled. […]
How to Teach Middle School Shakespeare
Shakespeare is one of those topics that people either seem to love or leave (I think most want to leave it). I remember hating Shakespeare in high school, finding it so difficult to muddle through the language. Throughout my years of homeschooling I have figured out ways to teach Shakespeare to my children in ways […]
Growing Peace & Learning About African Culture ~ A Unit Study
While we are limited in our travel resources, we have found ways to journey to different places from inside our home. Through books, videos, websites, and projects we are able to peek into, and experience a little bit of various cultures from all over the world. We are currently Learning About African Culture in our […]
Children’s Books About Africa
One way to introduce kids to other cultures is through high quality children’s literature. Try some beautiful picture books, or engaging native stories, books that teach about language and culture and so many more. While your kids may not be able to physically travel to a place, engaging books can be a transportation of their […]
Homeschool Standardized Testing: Testing Tips & A Review
Many frequently asked homeschooling questions pertain to homeschool standardized testing. Do our children take the same tests as the public school kids? Do we have to test our children? How and with what to do we test them? We as homeschoolers often wonder some of these same things. On top of that we often question, […]
Tangle of Knots Cake Drawing Art Project
Art has been a subject in our homeschool that has often fallen by the wayside. Needless to say we don’t have any budding artists among us! I do however have a child who really loves to do art projects. For this reason I have worked really hard to create opportunities for her to engage in […]