NEW! BookShark Elementary Science Curriculum
BookShark Elementary Science Curriculum is an open & go, literature based, hands-on, secular science curriculum for homeschoolers.
FREE Butterfly Garden Activities for Families
FREE Butterfly Garden Activities for Families includes free printables and fun ideas to take your learning outdoors! Create a butterfly garden, learn about their life cycle and more!
Romeo and Juliet for High School
As part of our high school English we are delving into a Shakespeare Unit. While I found Shakespeare to be tedious in high school, with new resources, I hope to make it more understandable and more fun for my kids. This is part of the High School Shakespeare series that I am putting together for […]
Why Outdoor Play is an Important Part of the Curriculum
Whether teaching begins at home or at school, finding a way to engage children with their learning is top of the agenda. You can’t expect them to learn everything from a textbook. In fact, during the Early Years Foundation Stage, experts recommend that parents and teachers focus more resolutely on the importance of play, which […]
Why Teach Shakespeare?
As part of this High School Shakespeare series I would like to talk about why you should teach Shakespeare in your homeschool. Why teach Shakespeare? What benefits are there in learning and understanding his body of work? Is it still relevant today? One of the main reasons to read a Shakespearean play (at least in […]
Elementary Homeschool Curriculum
It’s that time of year again! Yes the big Back to Homeschool time has arrived and my fellow iHomeschool Network Bloggers (along with myself) are hosting our annual Back to Homeschool Basket Giveaways! I am pleased to be offering an Elementary Homeschool Curriculum Giveaway that is full of some top name curriculum brands and retails […]
Homeschool PE Skateboarding: Do’s and Don’ts
As a parent, we all want the best for our children and that’s why many of us take to homeschooling. We understand our children, the way they learn, their interests, and we can tailor their education around them. This knowledge can help children succeed where they may have once struggled. Sometimes physical education or PE […]
Summer Water Safety for Children
Summer is finally here, and it’s time to think about summer safety for the kids. One of the most important issues to be concerned with during the hot summer months is water safety. Whether you’re spending time in or near pools, a pond, lake, ocean, or boat, it is a good idea to review important […]
High School Shakespeare
High school Shakespeare. Love it or hate it? I know many (including myself) that dreaded the high school Shakespeare units. But why? I think it’s because the language was unfamiliar and therefore hard to understand, and the resources used to study them were dry and of little help. Luckily for our children we have many […]
Heirloom Audio Adventures for Homeschool History
Do you use audio books in your home? Have you considered the possible benefits to you and your child? Audio books have the ability to enhance the storytelling experience for those who use them. I have found a family friendly audio adventure that will excite you and your children alike! This new Christian Audio Series […]
Tackling the New SAT Essay
We have all heard about the “NEW” SAT and how things have changed a bit since the last time they updated it. But what exactly does that mean and how will the new SAT essay be different? I will readily admit that one of the reasons I was so eager to make the transition from […]
IDO3D Pens for Kids
Do you have a crafty art kid in your home? Do you have a kid not so interested in art and crafting? Either way 3D pens might just be the next big thing in your house! This summer we have had the distinct pleasure of working with the IDO3DArt pens in our home! My 10 year old […]
Stepping Stones Kindergarten Curriculum Review
Do you find it overwhelming to think about homeschooling Kindergarten? There is such a flood in the market of Kindergarten resources. It can be difficult to narrow down your choices and choose one that will be right for you and your child. I am happy to be able to share with you this new product […]
Starts At Eight: The Story Behind the Name
Have you ever read a blog, or read the name of a business and wondered where the name came from? I know I have! Here is a chance to find out how Starts At Eight got its name! Back in 2009 I wrote a post called Why Starts At Eight? to give a little background […]