Teach Kids About Money with this Financial Literacy Homeschool Curriculum
Teach Kids About Money with the MoneyTime, the online gamified Financial Literacy Homeschool Curriculum for kids ages 10-14. A review from Starts At Eight
Teach Teen Life Skills as a High School Elective
Teach Teen Life Skills such as college & career planning, financial responsibility, and travel with Voyage. An affordable life skills course for teens. Teach Teen Life Skills such as college & career planning, financial responsibility, and travel with Voyage. An affordable life skills course for teens.
How to Schedule a Homeschool Year with Summers Off!
We used to homeschool year round, and not year round with ample breaks, but what felt more like all the time! As the kids have gotten older I have learned to schedule a homeschool year that gives us ample breaks, and the summer off! I have been homeschooling for over 10 years now. I have […]
DIY Word Wall for Early Readers
My second child was super active and hands on all through his early years. While my first would sit for hours with a workbook and pencil, that was not going to work with the next one! One of the things I created to keep his hands moving was a word wall. A DIY Word Wall […]
Intentional Living – No More “Too Busy”
How many times has someone asked you how you were and your response was, “Busy!” It seems we are always busy. It doesn’t matter if you are a mom or dad, working outside or inside the home, have big kids or littles, participate in swimming, soccer, dance, theater, etc, we are ALL busy in our […]
The Super Mega List of Family Friendly Movies {150+ Titles}
Come one, come all, in spring, summer, winter, or fall! Grab your popcorn and sit down for a family movie night! I have compiled a list of family friendly movies to be enjoyed by all! This list includes some for younger kids, some for older kids, and you might just find you adults might enjoy […]
10 Secular Science Curriculum Options for Your Homeschool
When it comes to science most people find themselves on the Christian/creationism side, or the secular most likely evolution side. We have used some of each as I like to present my children with information about both views. So I have compiled a list of secular science curriculum options for you to choose from. They […]
Moms of Teens: It’s NOT Just Babies That Are Time Consuming
There is always talk about how exhausted new moms are, and rightfully so, babies are demanding! Then you have the toddlers who never cease to move, all the while creating havoc along the way. As my littlest began moving through these stages, and my oldest grew farther and farther into the teens years, I thought […]
Tips to Help Instill a Positive Attitude in Your Children {It Will Take Them Farther Than Just Good Grades}
What’s more important for kids – a positive attitude or good grades? If you answered good grades, you may be wrong. Positive attitude seems to be a better indicator of future success, according to research. Psychologist Carol Dweck from Stanford University reports his study revealed attitude is a better predictor of success than IQ. The […]
Is Your Child Ready for a Smartphone?
Is your child ready for a smartphone? There are definitely some things to consider before going down this road with your child. To begin with we need to recognize that every family, every situation, and every child is different and needs to be looked at and considered as such. What works for one child might not […]
Teen Drivers: There is NO Substitute for Experience
Our teen driver got her licence in March. After 6 months of driving everywhere she goes (with Mom as a passenger) and spending countless hours on the weekends driving (with Dad as the instructor), she now has a piece of paper that says she is capable of driving on her own. {Insert fear and trepidation […]
Preparing for AP English Language & Composition Exam
The month of May is AP testing season. Kids across the nation all sit for each AP test at the exact same time, and they are only offered that one time each year. This year my homeschool high school student prepared for and took the AP English Language & Composition Exam. I recently wrote all […]
Homeschool Middle School Biology Options
Can I just say that I love biology? From the interesting work with the microscope, to the amazing way the human body works, biology offers incredible insight into the world of living things. I have been on the hunt for a secular middle school biology program for my upcoming 8th grader. We are completing Earth […]
7 Reasons to be Excited About Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Hold on to your wands and Horcruxes, folks, because Harry Potter’s adventures continues in another mind boggling, magic-imbued story. Yes, you read it right. A new Harry Potter book is coming our way, and this one will be unique indeed. Stick with us and we will show you a couple of good reasons why the […]