Online Secular Homeschool Science with Taylor Made Science
Taylor Made Science offers secular, lab-based science courses that promote science literacy and critical thinking skills. Prepare your student for college and for life!
Homeschool Science Class Online – Life Prep Physics
Homeschool Science Class Online with College Prep Science’s live science classes for middle and high school. Life Prep Physics is perfect for your non-science kids! A Review from Starts At Eight
World Geography Scavenger Hunt: Asia ~ FREE Printable
This is the 4th World Geography Scavenger Hunt in a series of five. What I love about these is that they are fun and flexible. You can play a search and find map game with them, you can use them as memorization lists, you can even print them out to use as a quiz! Pair them […]
The United States Court System: A Unit Study – Part 1
In America we have a justice system with many court layers with one purpose in mind – justice. Justice for both the criminal and the victim. Finding the truth in any situation, whether criminal or civil, can be difficult. Judging a situation so that the guilty party is punished properly takes patience to discover the […]
The Well Trained Mind Book Review
Beginning down the homeschooling road can be a scary journey. Here in New York State it is pretty regulated (although not as bad as it seems once you get used to it). But even putting your state regulations aside (which of course you should not do, but let’s just leave that out for the sake […]
Practical Strategies for Preparing Your Child for College Life
You remember their first step, first day of grammar school, and soon your child, or young adult, is going to embark upon their first days of college. The time is approaching fast. How should you help prepare them in a practical way for their stay away from you and home? Practical Strategies for Preparing Your […]
Historical Fiction for the American Revolution
The American Revolution was a political battle that took place between 1765 and 1783 during which colonists in the Thirteen American Colonies rejected the British monarchy and aristocracy, overthrew the authority of Great Britain, and founded the United States of America. As with any history topic I can’t think of a better way for kids […]
Homeschool Writing With Brave Writer
Throughout my homeschooling years there have been fun subjects and not so fun subjects to teach. Sometimes because I didn’t like them or the kids didn’t. Sometimes because they feel particularly hard at that given time and sometimes because it just wasn’t clicking. Teaching homeschool writing is one of those things that is often scary […]
All About Banned Books
Did you know there was such a thing as Banned Books Week? Banned Books Week was launched in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in the number of challenges to books in schools, bookstores and libraries. It celebrates the freedom to read by encouraging read-outs, displays, and community activities that raise awareness of the ongoing […]
Summer Reading Fun With FREE Printable Lists By Age
I am an avid reader. Somehow, all three of my children have acquired that trait. Needless to say we do A LOT of reading in our house and make countless trips to the library. Despite all of this I am very aware that not every child (or parent for that matter) loves to read. However, […]
Learn German With Rosetta Stone Homeschool
Are you looking for a language program to use in your homeschool? Do you want one that incorporates reading, writing, and speaking? How about one that works well even if you have no native speakers in your house? I have the program that may just be right for you! I was born to a father […]
Redo Your Room! Easy DIY Bedroom Decorations For Girls
If you are like us and don’t have the money to change up your kids rooms at every turn, then these inexpensive, fun, and quick ideas to transform a room might just be for you! Add color and style in just a few created pieces, we had so many of the supplies right on hand […]
Why You Should Track Teen Reading
Does your teen like to read? Do they drudge through any book you put in front of them? Do you have trouble knowing if they are really reading and comprehending what you have put before them? I know that I struggle with holding my teen accountable to her reading, especially when I haven’t read the […]
3rd Grade Homeschool Year in a Basket Giveaway
It is that time of year again! Everyone is either starting back up or gearing up to start back up for a new homeschool year. I have teamed up again with my fellow iHomeschool Network ladies to offer you a host of basket giveaways to kick the new homeschool year off right! For my basket […]