How to Prepare your High Schooler for the SAT
How to Prepare for the SAT Test is an important question to have answered as your child enters high school. Get all the ins & outs and study resources here!
Preparing Your High School Student For The PSAT
Preparing Your High School Student for the PSAT – The what, where, and how-to of preparing your high school student for and taking the PSAT.
Hands On Science: Rocks & Minerals Unit
As many of you already know I tend to lean towards using unit studies when it comes to history and science. I find we get so much more out of a hands on science unit than just reading through text and answering questions. This is a Rocks & Minerals Unit I am preparing for the […]
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Math Curriculum & Resources
When you take on the very important job of homeschooling your kids, one of your main concerns is finding quality resources with which to teach them. One of the tricky subjects for many parents is homeschool math. While this is not a complete list, I have compiled a list of math resources to help you […]
World Geography Scavenger Hunt: North & Central America~ FREE Printable
Geography lends itself to some fun games. One of the things my children like to do is a sort of atlas scavenger hunt. For this reason I am creating a series of World Geography Scavenger Hunt printables. This North & Central America printable is the second in my series of World Geography Scavenger Hunt printables. […]
Highbrow Educational Videos for Children
As parents of young children the quality and appropriateness of online content is often a concern. Do you have a child that loves to watch short videos? Are you concerned about just getting quality educational videos for children without all the adds and comments? Good news! Highbrow might be just the thing for your family! […]
15 Awesome Non-fiction Animal Books for Kids
Children of all ages love animals! That’s why it is a great subject to help the get used to reading non-fiction. Non-fiction is what they will read the most during their adult life, so getting them used to reading it now will help them later on. It is a totally different style and many children […]
FREE Printable: Compare Contrast Book vs Movie
We do a lot of reading in our house. I love to read and have been lucky enough to have children who share that love of reading. One of the things we have done throughout the years is read a book, watch the movie, and then compare and contract book vs. movie. Compare Contrast Book […]
How Do I Get Started Homeschooling?
One of the most frequently asked questions I hear is, “How Do I Get Started Homeschooling?” When you are at the beginning, looking down the unfamiliar path of homeschooling, it can be a scary time. Trust me when I say, it gets clearer. You will make mistakes, you will change course, you will learn as […]
Fun DragonBox Geometry App
Our math journey has been a long and winding road. Our teen has been through numerous math curricula during her school journey. Needless to say, I am always looking for fun and engaging ways for my children to work with math. My younger two love to play video games. Give them a computer or an […]
The ABCs of Homeschooling: E is for Electives
Homeschooling the high school years can be like starting all over again. There are so many new things to think about, like GPAs, transcripts, college prep and more. One of the new and fun things about high school are electives. When my oldest was in middle school I spent time researching for the high school […]
Psychology as a High School Elective
During the high school years, much of the talk is about electives. What are they? How will we fulfill them? As part of our high school years our oldest daughter chose psychology as one of her high school electives. When it came to planning our high school years we decided to include electives that were […]
Introducing The NEW Educents Marketplace
Introducing the NEW Educents Marketplace I just received an email from the founders of Educents, Kate and Kaitlyn, with some really exciting news. Until today, Educents was a website for parents and educators to take advantage of daily deals. But those deals expired… And there were only 50 deals available at once… I wanted saving […]
Adventurous Mailbox Cultural Education for Kids
We are studying world geography in our house this year. From my teen down to my eight year old we have been doing things like creating atlases, and playing geography games. One thing we haven’t gotten a lot of is cultural education. For instance the languages, customs, architecture and more of the places we are […]