21st Century Learning with Virtua Education
21st Century Learning with Virtua Education is an online secular homeschool curriculum that uses AI to customize a learning path to your child’s knowledge.
Find Homeschool Curriculum Deals at Homeschool Buyers Co-op
Homeschool Curriculum Deals! Homeschool Buyers Co-op is the worlds’ largest buyers club for homeschooling families. They use their purchasing power to get members (that’s you and me!) the best deals for homeschool curriculum! Check out their freebies too!
Kiwi Crate – Kids Craft Subscription
Hands on crafts and art projects are not my strong suit. I am not creative enough to come up with something on my own, and I often tire of searching around to find supplies for things I find online or in a book. This is not great news for my youngest who LOVES to do […]
Beginning a New Homeschool Year
This past week marked the first week of our ninth year of homeschooling. Normally we would begin right after Labor Day but things stacked up to waiting an extra week to begin. Beginning a New Homeschool Year means a switch back to more routine and structure in our house. It also means many hours of […]
High School e-Learning With Standard Deviants Accelerate
As we enter our second year of homeschooling high school, we are finding that having access to online learning resources is a valuable addition to our studies. Not only does it afford us the opportunity to gain access to more information and learning resources but it allows us to do so while remaining in our […]
How to Create a New Year in Homeschool Tracker
Starting a new school year comes with varied tasks in our house. From clearing out the old, to bringing in the new. One of the things I need to do at the beginning of a new year is Create a New School Year in Homeschool Tracker. This is where I will keep all of my […]
3 Steps for Creating the Ultimate Graduate Admissions Essay
The graduate admissions essay is probably the most challenging essay you’ve ever had to write so far. Most students bomb it, but you don’t have to. Just follow these three simple steps for creating the ultimate writing sample. Step One: Brainstorm It all starts with a good brainstorming session. These should essentially be a “stream […]
1st Grade Pearson Homeschool Science Curriculum Review
Science is one of the subjects I don’t typically use a curriculum for in the younger years. While this approach has been very hands on, it has lacked some of the structure and order you can benefit from by using a curriculum. The Pearson Homeschool Science Curriculum is one option for adding some structure to […]
The Social Life of the App-Addicted Teen
Social media is becoming an all-encompassing force in the lives of our children. Apps like Facebook, Instagram, and SnapChat allow them to be connected with their friends nonstop throughout the day. As a parent, it can be difficult to feel like they’re ever really engaging with you when their eyes are constantly scanning the screens […]
Planning High School Geography With North Star Geography
For tenth grade we are studying World History & Geography. We are covering the geography portion of that using a curriculum called North Star Geography from Bright Ideas Press. Right I am now working on planning our high school geography with North Star Geography. One of the very first things that jumped out at me, […]
TypeKids Online Typing Program for Kids
In this age of technology, keyboard typing has become an important skill to obtain, even at a young age. All three of my children either have or are currently using an online typing program to promote good typing skills. What I have found throughout my many years of homeschooling (and parenting for that matter) is […]
No More Perfect Kids!!
Before you had children, you most likely dreamed of children. You dreamed about what it would be like, who they might resemble and how your family life would be with them. These expectations can lead to disillusionment and disappointment for you and your children. No More Perfect Kids was written to help you shatter your […]
Not Back to School Photos 2014
Last year was the first year we took Student Photos here at Starts At Eight. It was so much fun doing them that we decided to give it a go again this year. Doing these Not Back to School Photos gave us a reason to get out and explore a little to find a new […]
High School Literature List ~ Popular or Contemporary Literature
This is the fourth and final part of my four part series called High School Literature List. My hope is that these lists will give you a place to start from. They are by all means not all inclusive but will give your teen a good literature base. Popular or Contemporary Literature Suggestions While popular […]