Homeschool Middle School Writing Curriculum Review
WriteShop’s homeschool middle school writing curriculum is a comprehensive writing program that walk both student and parent through the writing process.
FREE Presidents Day Activities for Homeschool
Celebrate Presidents Day with these FREE Presidents Day Activities! As homeschoolers we often ask ourselves questions that others may not, dig deeper into things that interest us, or even go off on tangents! Before I get to the FREE Presidents Day Activities I’d like to talk about the spelling of this holiday. Happy Presidents’ Day! […]
Comprehensive Zeezok Music Appreciation Curriculum
Throughout our years of homeschooling I have often found it difficult to find solid, comprehensive curricula for music and art. They have always been the first subjects to fall out of our homeschool plans. Having to search and piece things together was always so time consuming, and things like reading and math always took first […]
10 Tips for Brainstorming Blog Ideas
Many years ago when I started blogging I had lots of trouble coming up with topics I thought were worthwhile, or even topics at all. As the years have progressed I have more ideas than I can possible write about! Even so I keep brainstorming blog ideas, and making lists, notes, etc. for new themes, […]
If I Could Do It Over – My Homeschool Advice for Those Starting Out
Eight years. I still find it hard to believe that I have been homeschooling for eight years. Through death, moving, sickness, and more, we have paved a path for ourselves that has become more of a lifestyle than I ever could have imagined it would become. If I knew then, what I know now, if […]
Book Review: Yankee Doodle Dandy
About Yankee Doodle Dandy: In Yankee Doddle Dandy Ellis the Elephant introduce young children to the story of the American Revolution – from the Boston Tea Party to Paul Revere’s midnight ride, from our victory at Yorktown to George Washington’s declaration that he would not be king. Ellis, the cuddly elephant, once again intrigued by […]
3 Helps for Learning the Spanish Alphabet
Our youngest child has taken an interest in learning Spanish this year. One of the first things we started out with was learning the Spanish alphabet. The Spanish alphabet is slightly different than our English alphabet and therefore is the foundation of learning the Spanish language. From young to old these are great resources for […]
Favorite Hot Chocolate Recipes
We are in the midst of the cold winter months here in New York. Ever since I was a kid we have always had hot chocolate in our house, but not just store bought mix, we always had a “special” mix. Today I am sharing two hot chocolate recipes that have been favorites in our […]
14 Character Books for Valentine’s Day
When I sat down to create a list of books for Valentine’s Day for this year, I was reminded of all the characters my children have loved throughout the years. Our kids become fixated with a character, their theme song, show, toys, and more. We buy Valentine’s Day cards with characters on them, and candy […]
How To Make Easy Apple Pastry
Today I am going to show you how to make one of my favorite, super easy deserts called Tarte Fine aux Pommes, it usually means thin apple pie (Easy Apple Pastry). Ingredients: 5 cups puff pastry 2 apples 1/2 cup of brown sugar Some cinnamon 1/2 cup of butter 1 egg and 2 Tbsp water […]
iBlog Pro eBook: Taking Your Blog to the Next Level
My blog began in 2009. My husband had talked about setting up a blog for me but I wasn’t interested and could not fathom how I would do that or what it would even look like! What exactly is a blog anyways? I decided to look it up and came up with blurbs like, “a […]
Plan Your High School Electives ~ FREE PRINTABLE PACK
Since entering the homeschool high school years with my first child, I have done a lot of research and learning. There are so many things to think about and so many options to choose from! Breaking things down into more manageable steps can help to keep the process from feeling totally overwhelming. Today I want […]
Music in the Mind of a Child: A Guide to Musical Instruments for Kids
Music is many things; it’s a transcendent language, a connecting force, and an infinite mathematical universe with rhythms and melodies that correspond to the very laws of nature. It’s simultaneously simple and complex, with patterns of both uniformity and complementary incongruity. It may sound like a tough idea to wrap your mind around, but hey, […]
No Spread Sugar Cookie Recipe
No Spread Sugar Cookie Recipe My favorite thing about this No Spread Sugar Cookie Recipe is not only that the cookies taste great, but that they actually hold their shape when baked! There is no need to worry if they will run together, or become misshapen! While we are doing these with Valentine Hearts in […]