NEW! BookShark Elementary Science Curriculum
Are you looking for an enriching secular elementary science curriculum?
Do you want to get out of the text and jump into literature and hands on science in an easy, open and go format?
Then you definitely need to check out the NEW BookShark Elementary Science Curriculum!

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to review the Sonlight Science Literature Based Curriculum, and I LOVED it. The Sonlight Curriculum is structed very similarly to the BookShark Curriculum because they are collectively owned. The main difference being that Sonlight is a Christian curriculum and BookShark is secular (or faith neutral).
BookShark Elementary Science Curriculum
This year I am using the BookShark Elementary Science Curriculum with my 3rd grade grandson. (While this review is based on the BookShark Science Level D, there are many other levels for kids from age 5 to age 16.)
{Disclosure: I received BookShark Science Level D for free and was compensated for my time in writing this review. However these are my honest opinions and I was not required to post a positive review. Please see my full Disclosure Policy for more details.}
A Look Inside BookShark Elementary Science Curriculum
Come take a look inside what BookShark Elementary Science Curriculum has to offer! Everything from amazing literature to full lesson plans for an easy open and go experience!
Literature Based
Each level of BookShark Science uses a wonderful collection of literature to make the learning rich and meaningful!

Take a look at the selection above from the BookShark Science Level D package!
As you all know I LOVE LIVING BOOKS! We use a ton of them in our homeschool. They are so much richer and more engaging than a textbook.
Instead of using a textbook, living books are used to provide the context for the science lesson. My grandson is able to read much of them himself, just getting help for the more sciency words he hasn’t seen before.
4 Day Schedule
A few years ago I went to using a 4 Day Homeschool Week. It really allows us the space to take a break, or catch up after unexpected set backs. Planning for 4 days a week just allows us a general sense of calm and space to our schedule so we don’t feel crammed or rushed. The downside is it can take A LOT of extra planning because many curricula are based on 5 days a week.
So imagine how happy I was to have BookShark Science already based on a 4 day week! And the plan for each week is so simple!
Day One: Read and do the corresponding questions in the activity sheets
Day Two: Read and do the corresponding questions in the activity sheets
Day Three: Read and do the corresponding questions in the activity sheets
Also within Days 1-3 are Optional Do Together things that you can choose to do if you have time, or perhaps your child is really loving the topic and you want to dig deeper.
Day Four: Science experiment from the BookShark Science Experiments Books
As you can see in the photo above, the schedule for each week is all laid out in the Instructor’s Guide, including the list of supplies you need for both the current week, and the upcoming week so you can plan ahead!
Each week there are questions in the activity sheets to go with the literature reading. Not only do you have the answer key in your Instructor’s Guide, but each question has the corresponding page numbers from the reading so your child will know where to look if they are unsure of the answer.

And as I previously stated, there is a science experiment included in the plans for each week. Many of the items needed are included in the Science Supplies Kit for the level you are using. Anything that isn’t included is a common household item that you may already have or can easily pick up at the store.
For all the subjects I have to plan each year, this has been the easiest curriculum to plan.
Between the detailed daily lesson plans in the Instructor’s Guide, and the comprehensive (and beautifully illustrated I might add) Science Experiments Books, there is little you need to do in terms of planning and preparation.
Why? Because this is literally already all planned in an easy to use format. I opened the box and off we went!
Let me say that again for those in the back…
I truly opened the box and used the curriculum the same day. No Planning Needed!

Secular (faith-neutral)
As I mentioned previously, the BookShark Science Curriculum is considered secular, or more accurately “faith-neutral“.
Here’s what BookShark has to say about being faith-neutral:
“BookShark does not espouse or oppose any faith. Our Science and History programs do not teach evolution, creationism, or intelligent design theory. So BookShark may be better termed faith-neutral. BookShark leaves the teaching of the origins of life and matters of spirituality to the parents rather than promoting any particular viewpoint in the curriculum. Our faith-neutral curriculum allows families from a variety of backgrounds and beliefs to enjoy a well-planned homeschooling year steeped in living literature, read alouds, and hands-on science activities.”
Newly Updated to Meet NGSS Standards
BookShark has updated their science to align with NGSS Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
What does this mean? NGSS standards are both widely accepted and academically solid. And while the NGSS standards outline what to teach, they don’t preclude BookShark’s natural methods of reading great books, discussing them, doing simple (no busy work) Activity Sheets, and then exploring with hands-on activities. The NGSS are standards (not Common Core though), not curriculum. Thus BookShark Science remains true to their original design while also accommodating NGSS and giving families the more linear read-about-it-then-do-it sequence most parents prefer.
Try BookShark Science Curriculum in Your Homeschool!
To See More from BookShark
Looking to see more of what BookShark has to offer? They have more than just science! BookShark also has history and language arts curriculum. Be sure to check out all they have to offer with the links below!
New for 2021: BookShark Virtual!
BookShark Virtual is here! When you pair BookShark print curriculum with a Virtual seat, parents and students get cool online features like assessment, grading, and accountability—accessible via mobile or desktop!
The best way to understand BookShark Virtual is to try it yourself. The first three weeks of every Virtual course are available for free just like the Instructor’s Guide samples always have been.
Watch the demo videos to get your bearings, and then take it for a spin. Let your child take a peek, too!
Giveaway is for USA only. Winner’s choice of level A-F, including 1 virtual seat.