Careering – A guide for Teens and Young Adults
Young adulthood is the best time to explore, experience, and eliminate possible career paths. Careering will help your student do all three–and get them on the path that is right for them!

What is Careering?
The dictionary may have other definitions for careering, but when you see the word careering in this book, I am referring to the process of taking progressive action in pursuit of a profession or venture.
Tamara S. Raymond
What’s Inside the Book?
Careering is an 8 step process according to Tamara. In this Pocket Guide to Exploring Your Future Career your student will find each of these steps laid out with actionable items to do and places to record their thoughts and findings! All of this in a book small enough to carry around so they can explore and learn as they are on the go!
{I received a free review copy of Careering as part of this review. However, all views are my own and I was not required to write a positive review. Please see my full Disclosure Policy for more details.}
Careering Steps:
Step 1: How to Begin Careering
Step 2: Opportunities to Explore Different Career Options
Step 3: Key Resources to Help Explore Different Career Options
Step 4: The Power of Networking
Step 5: Applying
Step 6: Developing Your Interview Skills
Step 7: Congratulations on Your New Job! Now What?
Step 8: One Final Step
What’s to be Learned from Careering?
- evaluate your interests, skills, and passions
- identify jobs, internships, and volunteer positions that align with your personal gifts
- identify multiple career exploration avenues, from camps to summer jobs
- put together a resume and references, even if you’ve never had a “real” job
- learn how to network, apply for jobs, and develop interviewing skills
- learn how to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities
- learn how not to use social media if you want to land a job
About Tamara S. Raymond

Tamara S. Raymond is a certified leadership coach and career strategist dedicated to helping professionals reach their maximum potential; and young people get on the right career path so they can make a difference.
Careering: The Pocket Guide to Exploring Your Future Career is Tamara’s first book. It is available as a paperback, e-book and audiobook. An online course based on the book was released Fall 2020.
In her book, Tamara has woven together her extensive career experience, academic journey and passion for coaching-mentoring youth to share knowledge with teens and young adults. Tamara’s goal is to offer them unique insight into how to excel both academically and in their chosen profession through awareness of their goals, interests and talents, in a purposeful and focused way.
Tamara has appeared on the Inside Personal Growth podcast and The Total Education Hour.
For more information about Tamara and her other projects, including her coaching services,
==>> Click Here to take a peek inside and hear an audio sample <<==
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