Check Out How 3in30 Works for Me!
Today I am featured on the 3in30 web site to tell everyone how it works for me. I have only been a participating for a few months, and while I don’t have a 100% success rate, I am doing pretty well! Below is a short excerpt from my post. But please head over to 3in30 and not only read how it works for me, but check it out for yourself as well. You could be the next one telling about how you have been able to find support and accomplish some goals you have set out for yourself!
I think the better (or at least shorter) question might be, “How doesn’t 3in30 work for me?” Although I am still going to tell you all the ways 3in30 HAS worked for me! I am new to this activity given that my first month participating was May. But, in my opinion I have had great success with 3in30 already! For the month of May I easily accomplished 2 out of my 3 goals! That right there is evidence of it working for me!
I am a type-A, high stress, organizing fiend. I also have 3 kids to raise, homeschool, and just plain “taxi” around. Between soccer, swimming, gymnastics and homeschool activities I think I should paint my vehicle yellow, put a taxi sign on it, and charge per mile! So as expected other things sometimes fall by the way side. Things like dishes, mopping, weeding, filing, personal reading, blogging, and so much more. 3in30 is my chance to help hold myself accountable to do little things that may improve my life.
July 14, 2011 @ 1:31 am
I’ve wanted to check out 3 in 30 for a while now…thanks for sharing with NOBH.
~Kara @ The Chuppies/NOBH