CAT Test Online vs. CAT Paper Version
The California Achievement Test (CAT Test), specifically the CAT E/Survey, for grades K-12, is a nationally normed standardized test that measures achievement in the areas of Reading, Language Arts and Math. It meets most states’ requirements for an annual assessment for homeschool. There are two ways you can choose to administer this test: the CAT Test Online and the CAT Paper Version.
Throughout our 8 years of homeschooling my children have taken multiple end of year achievement tests including the PASS, and the CAT (California Achievement Test). In previous years, my older two have tested using the paper version of the CAT test which I purchased through Seton Testing Services.
I started testing early on with my children because I am of the school of thought that if they do it every year they will be familiar with it and not have a fear of it. The requirements vary by state (you can check your state requirements here), but here in NY we have to test every other year in 4th-8th grade and every year from 9th-12th grade.
Two years ago I decided to take the plunge and try the CAT version offered online through Christian Liberty Press. Since I know I was curious about the differences and the actual carrying out of the test, I thought I would share my thoughts and opinions here to help give you all a sense of what the differences are, or maybe more accurately the similarities.
The CAT test itself does not really vary between the online and the paper. When my children transitioned from one year to the next I did not see any major change in how they received the questions on the two different tests, or in their scores.
About the CAT Test:
The content of both the CAT Test Online and Paper Version are the same.
The CAT Test covers:
- Vocabulary
- Comprehension
- Language Mechanics
- Language Expression
- Math Computation
- Math Concept and Applications
Number of Sections:
- Level 1 has 10 sections
- Levels 2 and 3 have 11 sections
- Levels 4 and 5 have 9 sections
CAT Scores:
The CAT scores are reported in 4 different variations:
- Raw Scores – The actual number of correct answers within a given test section, and are used to calculate the other score variations.
- Grade Equivalents – (online version) These represent the grade level (year and month separated by a decimal point) of a student’s ability compated to the median score of students at the same academic level.
- Stanines – Stanines are based on the mean of the norm group (who are given the score of 5) and a standard deviation of 2.0. Scores are determined by the amount of standard deviation from the norm group, in approximately one-half standard deviation increments. 1,2, and 3 reflect below average performance. 4,5, and 6 are considered average. 7,8, and 9 are above average.
- Percentiles – Percentile scores are equivalent to the percentage of students from the norm group who received lower scores than the student. For example, a student with a percentile score of 81 means that the student did better than approximately 81% of the students in the norm group.
A note about the premium scoring or composite scoring that some of the testing sites are offering at an additional cost, even if you are homeschooling in NYS where we need the testing, you do not need these premium score breakdown features. What you get with basic scoring supplies you with the basic information you need to fulfill the regulations.
Differences in the CAT Test Online & Paper Version:
1. The Version of the CAT Test Used
One major difference between the paper and online CAT is that Christian Liberty Press uses the 1970’s version for the CAT Test Online. You can find their reasoning on their FAQ Page.
2. The Time Elapsed From Order to Finish
If you are doing the CAT Test Online you can order, take, and get the results all in one day. Once your order is complete you receive the links within minutes to log on and begin testing. Once each section is complete you can view the scores immediately while logged in and when the whole test is complete you receive and e-mail with the results within minutes.
With the Paper Version you have to account for shipping time in both directions and up to two weeks for them to grade your test.
3. The Cost of the Test
The cost of the CAT Test Online is $25. The cost of the Paper Version is also $25 but there is also the cost of shipping involved as testing supplies have to be sent to you and you have to send testing supplies back upon completion.
4. Timer Visible
If your student can get stressed by seeing the timer then the online test might not be for them as the timer is right on the screen in which they are working. If you choose the paper version you can keep the time yourself and choose how to notify your student of the time remaining.
Bottom Line:
Both versions are still the same test, the CAT Test. I do not see one version of the CAT Test as being better than the other, their largest variations in terms of parent consideration are in cost, method of administration and turn around time for the grading.
When deciding which one is right for your child the main thing to consider would be in whether the computer is the right environment or if the paper and pencil route is more comfortable to them.
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Other Test Related Articles:
- To Test of Not to Test…That is the Question
- Preparing Your High School Student for the PSAT
- What is a CLEP Exam?
- Homeschool Standardized Testing: Testing Tips & A Review of Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Testing
June 2, 2015 @ 1:40 pm
Does NYS accept the online cat test from Christian Liberty? I’m having trouble finding that information.
June 2, 2015 @ 5:12 pm
Yes Nicole. The CAT Test is an acceptable test in NYS. I have used the online version myself. Here is a link from NYHEN that lists the tests the SED has approved beyond the ones listed in the regulations.
April 6, 2016 @ 10:28 am
Hi Heidi- I am also in NYS and homeschooling for the first time this year (9th grade) Can I administer the CAT test myself or do I need a designated proctor? Thanks!
April 6, 2016 @ 11:29 am
According to the regulations you have the option to be the “other person” with the superintendent’s approval to administer the test. Some districts allow it and others do not. You would be best to connect with other homeschoolers in your district to find out how your district handles it.
April 6, 2016 @ 11:54 am
Much appreciated, thx Heidi!
November 12, 2017 @ 7:29 pm
If your child is in 7th grade do you order 7th grade cat or 8th grade cat
November 13, 2017 @ 10:18 am
You would order the 7th grade CAT
November 27, 2017 @ 3:06 pm
Hi Heidi, I love your blog, as a NYS homeschooler I find it to be an amazing font of information. I’m having a bit of test anxiety… what if my children fail. I have discovered there are a lot of gaps (that I’m obviously trying to fill) in my kids learning and I am really concerned. Math is a struggle for both of them. How will it affect my ability to homeschool if they don’t do well? Sorry, my second year homeschooling and now that we’re finally getting our groove the stuff that they didn’t understand in public school has become glaringly obvious. Thank you!
November 28, 2017 @ 4:27 pm
Angela, I would recommend you have your kids take a CAT Test now. That way you can see how they are performing on the test before getting anxious about it. The results will also help you narrow down what skills you need to help them strengthen. They only need to score about the 33rd percentile to be considered passing (and that is an average of all the sections, not each section alone). If the score below that you will have time to work on it before having to test at the end of the year and send results in. Even then, if they don’t pass there is a probationary period for your homeschool in which you have time to work on raising their scores.
June 4, 2019 @ 11:51 pm
Hello, This is My first time doing the annual assessment for my 7th gd daughter. I started Home schooling towards the end of January 2019. I’m still trying to figure things out. I’m in the Bronx. Wanted to know how much time is given for the Cat test? And also which test you think is best ? I don’t want to give her something that’s not on her level. Are they all timed? My daughter does well but she can be difficult when it’s time to do her lessons. It’s still an adjustment we need to get on and she thinks she is free from school being home and tries to distract me but it doesn’t work lol. P.S. Your site is wonderful, so happy I found it.
June 5, 2019 @ 12:48 pm
Un-timed CAT tests are now available! NYS now allows for un-timed testing! I always use the online version for ease of use and fast test results.
August 2, 2021 @ 1:48 pm
Hello! I will be homeschooling my 11th grader as of Sept 2021&both of us are excited&nervous. Id like to give him the untimed cat test online(1970) version just to see where he is academically. School was disappointing to say least in teaching. If I give this to him in august 2021 and he performs well and meets standards c aas n I use this for submitting in may or june2022? Thanks!
August 10, 2021 @ 10:49 am
Hi Deborah! Sorry for the late response, I was away on vacation. I don’t know that there are exact time parameters set out in the NYS Homeschooling Regulations, but I would say no. While it is technically within the same school year (they run July 1st, to June 30th), that is the beginning of the year and testing needs to be done at the end of the year within the appropriate CAT Test Level. Although I suppose if he takes the 11th grade test and performs well you might be able to use it. It would also just depend on if your district decides to kick it back or not based on the date. Since the test is inexpensive, and if he does well on it, I would probably just do another one at the end of the year.
April 7, 2022 @ 2:16 pm
My daughter is in 1st grade.This is my first time homeschooling.Does she need to take a test too?
April 12, 2022 @ 9:36 am
That would depend on what state you are in. You’d have to check your state’s homeschooling regulations.
June 11, 2022 @ 9:40 pm
Does the CAT untimed, online test require somebody to administer it? My child is 14 and uses Teaching Textbooks independently. Can she just do this herself, as well?
June 13, 2022 @ 5:26 pm
Not really. All the instructions are online. They read and then start the test. I just sit in the room while they are testing.