Fetal Pig Dissection Resources
Since my 10 year old decided she just HAD to dissect the fetal pig that my teen never did when she did high school biology, and thus I was looking for fetal pig dissection resources for her, I have collected all the best here for you!
Two years ago when we did a frog dissection for my oldest, my little one couldn’t get enough of it! But this makes since because she has a strong interest in being a vet or a vet tech when she grows up. Her siblings are not so keen! For that reason this year when my son had to do a frog dissection for his middle school biology course, I opted to find virtual resources so he could do a virtual frog dissection instead.
Fetal Pig Dissection Resources
We are using all of the resources listed here for our impromptu dissection. I found easy to follow written and video instructions, photos, and printables to make our experience as simple as possible. We set up at the desk, in front of the computer so she can easily be dissecting and using the computer aids for assistance. I put a paper towel over the mouse so she didn’t have to take her glove on and off every time she needed to click between websites and diagrams.
1.Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection – Detailed still images, extensive vocabulary definitions and clarifications, quizzes and more! This is a fabulous site for detailed pictures of a real pig. It was super helpful for us when trying to identify parts in our fetal pig dissection.
2. YouTube Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection – A Step by Step Video Lab tutorial that walks you through a fetal pig dissection.
3. Full Fetal Pig Dissection with Real Pig – This is a Step by Step Video Lab tutorial using a real pig. What we like about this is that you see exactly what you are looking at on your pig because it is a real pig and not a digital simulation of one. Since we were actually dissecting while watching, this was very helpful.
4. Fetal Pig Dissection Lab – Step by Step Instruction including FREE Printable Lab Sheets for each step of the process.
5. The Ultimate Fetal Pig Dissection Review – This includes links to dissection guides, photos, detailed diagrams, printables and more.
6. Human/Pig Comparisons – One of the main reasons to dissect a fetal pig is the similarities to the human anatomy. Here is a breakdown of the similarities.
8. FREE Printable Fetal Pig Dissection Guide – This is a full guide to dissection including labeled diagrams.
February 27, 2017 @ 10:41 am
Wow great job on pulling these together. I hope my kids never want to do this, ew! LOL but so much learning.
February 27, 2017 @ 12:22 pm
Haha! I have kids that love it and kids that hate it! I like doing the pig more than the crayfish that’s for sure!
February 27, 2017 @ 12:46 pm
Oh, this might be a dissection I could do!
February 27, 2017 @ 4:27 pm
Great resources for high school biology!
Resources for Fetal Pig Dissection
August 3, 2017 @ 9:01 am