Flashback Friday-Jayden Edition
Spending scheduled time with my “Walk and Talk” buddy Shana and her boys has been such a joy over the past months. I look forward to getting out and sharing a piece of me with her, and getting to accept all the wonderful pieces of her she has to offer me. Shana, I know you will read this and I want you to know how truly insightful you are, and not only how genuine and real you are, but how wonderful you are. You touch my heart with every photo, funny story and sentiment that you carry around with you and share with so many of us. Your boys are VERY lucky to have you as a mom.
Ok…..so after that side note, maybe I should get to my point! Along with Shana comes two special little boys. In particular Alex strikes a cord with me every time I see him. There is something about his size and those eyes that reminds me so much of Jayden when he was Alex’s age. Alex is very small for his age wearing size 9 month clothes at almost 1 1/2. Jayden was the same. At the age of 2 1/2 he weighed 18lbs and wore size 12 month clothing.I promised Shana some retro Jayden photos in the hopes that she might see what I see, every time I look at Alex.

January 29, 2010 @ 12:56 pm
Oh my! I LOVE it! Thank you for your kind words, and mostly for ACCEPTING me for who I am (airheaded distractibility and all!) Our Walk and Talks mean the WORLD to me, too! I am so glad to have “found you” again after all these years and really had a chance to get to know you! There are few truly honest, genuine, good people in this world and you are certainly one of them! That makes ME super lucky to call you “friend!”
As for the likeness between Jayden and Alex…I totally see what you mean! Something about the size, eyes, and the SMILE! Oh, and the hair! They both have that wispy thing going! How adorable! They’re like “Irish Twins” (only 6 years apart!) 🙂 Thank you SO much for sharing these!!!!