Homeschool High School Government Curriculum
Homeschooling in New York States comes with a certain stigma. New York State is one of the most regulated states in terms of homeschooling. One of the many things required by the New York State Homeschooling Regulations is that you cover 1/2 credit of Government, and 1/2 of Economics in high school. So if you are like me, you may be in need of a high school government curriculum.

{I received free copies of these books and was compensated for my time in writing this review. All views are my own and I was not required to write a positive review. Please see my full Disclosure Policy for more details.}
Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum offers course in science, social studies, math, English, and even electives for grades 7-12. We have been very happy with their World History, English Writing Skills, and Economics courses in the past. (In fact we are using World History this year for my would be 10th grader! As well as the economics alongside this government course when she’s in 12th grade to fulfill our NYS requirements.)
Homeschool High School Government Curriculum
The Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum High School Government program – Principles and Precepts of Government is a workbook based homeschool high school government curriculum that can be counted as half a credit on a high school transcript. It includes Student Text, Activity Books and a Teacher’s Resource Kit (TRK).

With Principles and Precepts of Government students gain insight about the history and concepts of government; original patriarchal and proprietary systems, ‘divine right of kings’, empires, monarchies, dictatorships, oligarchies, theocracies, democracies, confederations, and republics. It is designed to equip students with an understanding of the evolution of various forms of governance, and thereby gain an appreciation of the workings and myriad benefits afforded in their American republic, the sacrifices to bring it to fruition, and the requirements of involvement to preserve it.
Features of Principles and Precepts of Government
The Principles and Precepts of Government course from Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum has all the great features I have talked about throughout my reviews of the various courses we have used. I have shared a few from other reviews as well as some other features and ways we are using this homeschool high school government curriculum.

Short and to the Point Sections – Not only is the curriculum broken down into multiple booklets, but within that booklet the chapters aren’t overwhelmingly long. Most sections are 2-4 pages. Just because your student is in high school, and learning more in-depth information, does not mean it has to be long and drawn out. Some textbooks can feel daunting! But Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum courses keep it manageable.
*** SIDENOTE – as you can see in the image above the curriculum comes in a stapled, booklet style with each Chapter (in this case there are 3) in a different booklet. If you look at my High School Economics review you will see how we cut these booklets and then had them spiral bound. This can be an easier way to manage all the booklets, keeping them together and in order.
QR Codes for More Information – “We downloaded a FREE QR Code Reader to my son’s phone so he can scan and watch right on his phone while he is working on the chapter. It is such an easy way to add a content rich enhancement to the program. Having the code right there means are no links to follow or try to copy, no searching for relevant multi-media content, it is right there and easy to access.” ~ from my High School Economics Review

Teacher’s Resource Kit – This kit makes it easy to check your students work, evaluate their writing, and administer both Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests.
They include a Table of Contents for Textbooks, Activity Book Answer Key (Including details and resources for grading their writing), Section Quizzes, Chapter Tests, Quiz and Chapter Test Answer Keys.

Vocabulary – There is an extensive amount of new vocabulary when dealing with a topic such as government. While the text uses each word easily in context, it also includes side boxes in each section of prominent vocabulary words with their definitions. In my Economics review there are tips for using this as an English enrichment as well.
In terms of our government course, I have chosen to have my daughter keep a notebook of all the vocabulary terms. We are finding this to be a really helpful resource as all the terms are together. We chose to do ours by Chapter and Section but I think next time I would probably do it alphabetically for even easier reference.

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If you are looking for an easy to implement homeschool high school government curriculum I highly recommend using Principles and Precepts of Government.
Be sure to check out my review of the Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum Economics course that pairs well with this government course.
Also be sure to check out the other curriculum Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum has to offer. They have courses available for junior and senior high including courses in English, History/Geography, Math, and Science.
More High School Government & Economics Courses