Homeschool Middle School World History for Free
This business of homeschooling can get mighty expensive! It can be so hard to find quality resources at no (or low) cost. There are often freebies out there but they are incomplete, or not enough, or just not what you are looking for. I was so excited to come across these FREE Homeschool Middle School World History Resources!
I like to be sure to cover World History in both middle school and high school, but I don’t want to use the same resources. It’s nice to mix it up with different styles of learning. Plus using different resources offers a wider range of topics covered, as well as the opportunity to go more (or less) in depth. I was able to find and use FREE Homeschool Middle School World History resources which help us to keep the cost down.
Homeschool Middle School World History
Journey Across Time from Glencoe
- World History Journey Across Time: The Early Ages Textbook
- World History Journey Across Time: The Early Ages Workbook
- Journey Across Time Printable Worksheets
World History: Ancient Civilizations from Houghten Mifflin
Chapter List:
Click on each one of these to be taken to the individual chapters.
- The Tools Of History
- The Earliest Human Societies
- Ancient Mesopotamia
- City-States in Mesopotamia
- Early Empires
- Ancient Egypt
- Pyramids on the Nile
- Kush and Other African Kingdoms
- Ancient India
- Ancient China
- Ancient America
- The Hebrew Kingdoms
- Ancient Greece
- Classical Greece
- The Rise of Rome
- The Birth of Christianity
- Rome’s Decline and Legacy
- Skillbuilder Handbook
- Primary Source Handbook
- Glossary
Companion Website:
Go to the Houghton Mifflin website for Homework Helpers, Interactive Activities, Chapter Quizzes, and more!
Discovering Our Past: Ancient Civilizations from Glencoe
1 The First Civilizations
– Mesopotamia Civilization
– New Empires
2 Ancient Egypt and Kush
– Egypt’s Old Kingdom
– The Egyptian Empire
– The Civilization of Kush
3 The First Israelites
– The Kingdom of Israel
– The Growth of Judaism
4 Early India
– Hinduism and Buddhism
– India’s First Empires
5 Early China
– Life in Ancient China
– The Qin and Han Dynasties
6 The Ancient Americas
– The Mayan People
7 The Ancient Greeks
– Sparta and Athens
– Persia Attacks the Greeks
– The Age of Pericles
8 Greek Civilization
– Greek Philosophy and History
– Alexander the Great
– The Spread of Greek Culture
9 The Rise of Rome
– The Roman Republic
– The Fall of the Republic
– The Early Empire
10 Roman Civilization
– The Fall of Rome
– The Byzantine Empire
11 The Rise of Christianity
– The Christian Church
– The Spread of Christian Ideas
Companion Website:
Go to the Glencoe website for Chapter Activities. Look in the toggle bar on the left side of the screen, select the Unit and Chapter to find an overview, web activity, quiz, puzzles and more!
World History: Human Legacy from Holt
We used this for our son’s 8th Grade History. {See all our 8th Grade Homeschool Curriculum here} We printed each of the books and then I had them spiral bound at Staples for $5/each.
Crash Course World History
World Geography Printables
Click on the image below to download this FREE Printable Pack that includes Scavenger Hunt maps for each continent, an atlas project, printable BINGO game and more!
December 27, 2017 @ 9:01 pm
I loved getting these resources and they were a great find on your part but unfortunately they are locked so that they cannot be printed, rendering them useless for my purpose – my son has learning difficulties and sensory issues so we cant work from a computer and we need to work from hard copy. It’s a shame as they were exactly what I was looking for!
December 28, 2017 @ 10:31 am
I’m sorry to hear that. I used one myself and had no problem printing it. Maybe it is the reader you are using?
January 24, 2018 @ 11:36 am
After many hours searching online, I finally ran across your page, and was SO relieved!! Thank you so much for offering these resources!! I have found so many that I am going to incorporate into my sons schooling. Again, thanks!!!!!
January 24, 2018 @ 2:04 pm
That’s awesome Amanda! I’m so happy you have found something you can use here at Starts At Eight!
August 20, 2019 @ 3:26 pm
Hello Heidi. Do you happen to know where I could find the answer keys to the Journey Across Time, The Early Ages, would be? It’s awesome to have the book and the workbook but wondered what you used for the answer key. Thanks bunches!
August 20, 2019 @ 8:31 pm
I don’t know where you can find an answer key. I read through the answers myself. The material wasn’t too in-depth (like math!) so it was easy to get a general sense if they were in the right direction or not.
August 6, 2022 @ 12:20 am
excellent. Thank you.