“Homeschool Time” – How some make a bad name for the rest of us!
So again today, as I have been every Monday for the past 6 weeks or so, I am reminded of one of the homeschooling mantras (if you will), that irritates me to no end! The one where it excuses homeschoolers from ever being on time. I know that it is not representative of all homeschoolers, as I am a homeschooler and I don’t follow this mantra, but I all to often run into the population of homeschoolers who does.
A year or so ago I had the opportunity to become a founding member of a co-op that someone was working to start up. I have always wanted to be involved in a co-op, but have never found one that was a fit for us. I was in charge of laying out the “class” schedule. So I asked how many rooms we would have, how many sets of classes we were going to have and how long they should be. I was given a hedgy response about how there should be no set beginning or end time, and how they wanted to just let things flow. Well, first of all, why did you ask me to make a schedule then? And secondly, how on earth was one class supposed to end and others start, at any given time they feel like? If you are in classroom A and decide to keep the class going long, how would the next class begin in there and what about the kids still in your class that would be missing the start of their next one? Now I am very aware of the fact that I am on the extreme side of type A and very schedule oriented, but I could not see a world in which this other plan was going to work. In the end I had to bow out of the co-op as it clearly was not going to be a good fit for us.
Now on to the happenings today, and the past few weeks. Jayden is signed up to take a science class every Monday morning at 10am. Every Monday morning we drag ourselves out of bed (seeming to be the only day that the little two are not running around the house at 7:30am like cowboys and Indians) and rush around to get out on time. Now let me put this in a frame of reference for you, on time for me is 15 minutes early (at least!). Again today we fly out of the house at 9:30 for what is a 20-25 minute drive to arrive at the science center 8 minutes early. In true fashion we get to 10:15, still standing in the lobby, waiting for half the class to arrive!
A couple of weeks back I asked the girl who runs the class if it started at 10am or 10:15 because we are always there thinking the class starts at 10 but are waiting until at least 10:15 for her to take the kids to the classroom. She told me that the class did in fact start at 10, but people were not coming on time. In some ways I was irritated that she did not just start at 10 like we should (then maybe people would make more of an effort to get there on time), but I am at least grateful that they always get the full time (1 hour) and sometimes a little more. At the end of that class she tried to remind everyone that start time was in fact 10 and not 10:15, but to no avail the next week anyways. 🙁
So this morning as we walked in and the cart was not there for sign in yet, we wondered if the one day we walked in at 10:01 if they had gone up without us. It turns out that she had car trouble and someone else was gathering everything together to get started. People were trickling in and I heard two of the parents talking, one questioning if they were late, the other saying, “No, we are homeschoolers and this is homeschool time you know!” I was ticked beyond belief! Why must people make such a bad name for all of us! 10am is 10am not 10:15 or 10:20! Being homeschooled is not an excuse to be rude and late for everything. Yes, it allows you to run on your own schedule, when it only involves you, but when you are functioning out in the real world, you function on real world time!
May 16, 2011 @ 7:52 pm
AMEN!!! I agree with you 100%. I am so happy our homeschool co op is so ultra organized and everyone is punctual.
Unfortunately (as with anything) a few rotten apples seem to spoil the barrel!
May 16, 2011 @ 9:15 pm
Oh my word!!! Seriously? Homeschooling is not an excuse to disrespect other people’s time. I’m right there with you.
May 17, 2011 @ 9:45 am
Daughter, I totally agree with everything you stated. The real world runs on real time and when being late is affecting so many others it truly is a lack of respect for others,. Also,to raise children this way I feel gives them a false impression. When they get a job they can’t just show up whenever they feel like it..
May 17, 2011 @ 11:23 am
I like being punctual, too, and feel embarrassed when I am late. “Homeschool Time” in your own home, or with friends that feel likewise is one thing, but is not appropriate for a museum class.
May 17, 2011 @ 2:17 pm
I agree one hundred percent! As a former VP of a homeschool group nothing makes running s successful group harder than people that can’t show up on time.
May 17, 2011 @ 2:46 pm
http://TechEd4Kids.com and http://bgcouponer.com joining you for the blog hop.
May 17, 2011 @ 2:52 pm
Oh, I am so with you! Just yesterday, I sat in my car fuming waiting for my son to finish up a class. It finished a half hour late because it started a half hour late! I have five kids and a life and a schedule to follow. Just deciding to start a class late for anything but an emergency is just plan rude!
May 17, 2011 @ 3:45 pm
I am so with you on this one! We opted for testing by the district this year. Being that we live in the city, the only place to park at the administration building is at the meters on the side of the building, which have a 2 hour limit. We arrived early almost every day, and the one day we were not early, we were right on time. There was 1 girl that showed up for all 5 of the test days 15-30 minutes late. Being that she was the only other child testing, they waited for her. This not only made it so that I had to make an extra trip out to the meters, because it put me over the two hour limit, but it cost me money each day too, and that is not mentioning that I have better things to do with my time than to sit at that building.
May 20, 2011 @ 6:46 am
I completely agree with you:) Thanks for linking up to the NOBH
May 22, 2011 @ 8:27 pm
You are definitely right! Though I must confess that I’m one of those that can run a few minutes late to whatever it is we might be attending, I completely don’t expect for people to wait for us, it is disrespectful for those that do show up on time to have to wait for those ((of us)) that come late and your time is just as valuable as theirs ((ours.))