It’s the Little Things Thursday
Those of you following my blog may have noticed a theme this week…Ava. On Monday, June 21st, Ava turned 4. Seeing as this was a BIG milestone in her book, much of my week has been spent around this occasion and Ava turning 4. So why should this post be any different? It shouldn’t and it won’t! This Little Things Thursday is about my precious ladybug, Ava Grace.
Wednesday night is my Walk n Talk night with Shana. This week things got a little sidetracked and we ended up hanging out at her home, with not only her children, but her niece, and my little monsters as well (with the exception of Chloe who was, of course, at the gym). We enjoyed a pleasant evening getting muddy and wet outside. Ava had to go potty at one point so we headed into the house. We were stopped abruptly at the baby gate in the kitchen. As I stood there inspecting it, trying to decide how to open it, Ava looks up at me and says impatiently, “Mommy, I think you need to step on it.” She was right of course. Clearly my newly turned 4 year old has a better grasp of the baby safety devices than I do! 🙂 Boy they do grow up fast. 🙁
Please join me in celebrating the “Little Things” that make this crazy journey called “Motherhood” all worth it in the end! Add your link to the Mr. Linky and then leave me a comment. I would love to hear from you!
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June 24, 2010 @ 10:41 am
Amazement forever surrounds me concerning young children because of their abilities to figure out the new technological gadgets/computers. Having difficulities as an adult comsult one of your children or grandchildren.
June 24, 2010 @ 9:55 pm
Better late than never, I guess. Thanks again for helping me focus my positive energy!!