July 3in30 Week 2
Goal One: Change the “tone” in our home.
The “rewind” is being used less and less now. I find the kids halting their behavior more quickly when I start to raise my hand, or speak in protest of how they are acting. The one time we used the “rewind” the other day, it not only helped the kids to restart, but me as well. I was so angered by their behavior that I needed to take a deep breathe and redo so that I wouldn’t explode. This is an important goal to me, and even though we are making some progress, I feel we have a ways to go in order to make our more positive “tone” a natural part of ourselves.
Goal Two: If you take it out, put it away.
The grunts from my 12 year old about this one, often brings about my need to watch my “tone” from goal one! My children often get things out and walk away from them. This is a habit I want to change. I found with one of my first goals of not leaving dishes in the sink, that just one dish is like a magnet for more. I believe messes are the same. If one round of toys are left out, what is a few more! We will keep working on this!
Goal Three: Clear out from this past school year.
Last weekend I was able to sort through 5 out of 6 bins of past school work. We decided that keeping all the used workbooks was an unnecessary load to store. I was able to combine 5 bins into 3 and label them with the years and the grade level of each one of the kids for easier reference. My plan is to finish sorting out the last bin today so that there will be room in it to fit the rest of this past years activities that are still lingering on the shelves in our homeschool room.
July 16, 2011 @ 6:27 pm
Wow! You have some wonderful big goals!! Sounds like you are doing an awesome job:)
July 17, 2011 @ 8:46 am
Celebrate all the progress and keep persevering!!
July 17, 2011 @ 4:35 pm
Awesome goals, ones I can definitely relate to. It looks like your on your way to a great upcoming schoolyear. I’m off to go find your post about what “rewind” is 🙂
July 17, 2011 @ 6:14 pm
Courtney, “rewind” is exactly as is sounds. When someone lashes out, or makes a bad choice, yells, etc. We stop. Get everyone quiet, “rewind” the situation and try it again with more appropriate behavior and responses. I did it again today in the pool with the kids when they were fighting and yelling about she did this and he did that! Then again this afternoon when my 5 year old thought it was ok to walk by and stomp on her brother’s hand for no reason at all! UGH! Some days!
July 19, 2011 @ 1:37 am
I keep finding these 3 in 30 posts…I need to do this.
So convicting and encouraging….
Thank you for sharing…
~Kara @ The Chuppies/NOBH