May 3 in 30 ~ Week One
Goal One: Focus more on what I am thankful for. Take time to be grateful instead of griping
This is still pretty tough for me. It is easy to list all the things I am thankful for and all the positive awesome things we have to be grateful for. From food on the table, to healthy children, and material things like the iPad I love so much. Actually feeling thankful and moreover feeling “content” is a little harder. We missed a couple of days at the dinner table due to schedules but I think the “thankfuls” around the table are a good action to keep in place. I totally forgot about the wall calendar so I am going to make an effort to print one today and get started.
Goal Two: Keep the amount of dirty dishes down to a minimum.
This has been going well. For the first time this morning I did not have to remind my 11 year old to clear her place and put all of her dishes away (either by washing, or rinsing and putting in the dishwasher). Most of the week the sink has been free of dishes because even I am sticking to the empty sink rule!
Goal Three: I want to have cleaner floor/carpets in the house.
I am working with Jayden to make his Shark vacuuming for efficient. Sometimes he vacuums and you can’t tell because he goes to fast, skips spots, hasn’t emptied the filter, etc. Chloe is doing well with one carpet a day. Now all I have to do is get that thorough mopping I promised myself!
I think overall for a first week I am progressing pretty well. In the back of my mind I am keeping in mind the ultimate goal, and that is so have these things become habit and not slip away after the month of May is over.
May 6, 2011 @ 10:42 am
I am cheering you for #2 only because that is the WORST for me – and I’d be miserable if I set that as a goal. We get done with a meal and I wanna go play too. Notorious for having a sink full (it is right now). I want the empty sink rule but would abuse it before the end of the day.
May 6, 2011 @ 10:48 am
Thank you Stef! I always want to leave them for my husband to do after dinner, but guilt always creeps in!
May 6, 2011 @ 10:28 pm
I love your goals! Clean sinks and floors are rare in my house…except in my sweet dreams! Good luck!
May 7, 2011 @ 12:18 am
Great goals! Keep up the great work! A pile of dirty dishes in the sink gets to me and I try to keep the sink clear and dishwasher loaded as much as possible! Thanks for linking up to NOBH!
May 9, 2011 @ 4:40 pm
It sounds like you’ve done well for week one! Just remember, you’ve got three more weeks to realize those goals. Slow and steady wins the race! 🙂