Negligence or Maybe Just Procrastination
My motivation to blog has waned recently and my feeling of guilt over it is rising! During certain moments of the day I ponder the reasons why. Here are a few that I have come up with:
- the weather is still nice, summer is still here, so I am making the most of it
- activities for the kids keep piling up, the school room and plan for the fall needs to be finished
- I am not sure I really have anything worthwhile to say or offer, although this space was originally created as a sort of virtual journal so what should content matter as long as I like it
- I see more in my head for this space, but lack the gumption to make it a reality
- I feel as though in less than 2 weeks we will start up full force with school, and thus morning work, so I should have more time to sit here in the homeschool room, in front of the computer, and do a little blogging
I always feel as though when I thrive in one part of my life, another part suffers. If I keep the house super clean, then I never get to spend time with the kids, or if I read for my pleasure, I never get to watching the shows I would like to. My blog feels like this right now. Since I am otherwise engaged with other things, there is less time for this. My hope is that the shift in schedule will help to change that. Until then, I will just have to stave off the guilty feeling of not fulfilling my commitment to this blog, and know that I have filled the time with something equally as important.
August 29, 2010 @ 7:47 pm
Lest you forget…you have no commitment to this blog! It is merely serving whatever purpose you want/need it to at any given moment. Some days we don’t have as much to say, and so we are quiet. Other days, weeks, months, there is tons floating in our heads that we want to get out somehow. Just like with everything else in this life, it ebbs and flows and in the end, is still beautifully balanced. Lose the guilt. Hug your children and whenever you have something YOU want to say/write/capture, we’re here to listen…until then, HAVE FUN just BEING!
August 30, 2010 @ 1:58 pm
Your blog was intended for your own personal outlet. Life is much toooooo short to allow Satan to bombard us with negative thought processes that are NOT EVEN TRUE. Choose each day what your priorities and focus should be. Then fly them like a kite, soaring in marvelous, joyous, contented flight. Redeeming each day the best we can is all that should matter. I certain that I have shared this before but considering your thoughts on your blog it bears repeating.
It’s by Hartsill Wilson: Dear God, this is the beginning of a new day. You have given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or I can use it for good, but what I do today is important because I’m exchanging a whole day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever. I want it to be gain, not loss; good, not evil; success, not failure; so that I shall never regret the price that I paid for it.
So dear daughter, keep flying, soaring, reaching new heights of gain, good, and successful endeavors. Love You!!