New Year’s Resolution ~ 2011
This past January I posted about New Year’s Resolutions. I had pretty much forgotten about the post until I started searching my blog for all the things I had posted about Gone With the Wind. In January of this year I made it my one mission for the year to read Gone With the Wind. I am happy to report that I did so with ease.
As I sit hear thinking about where I was then, where I am now, and where I want to be a year from now, I am overwhelmingly struck with a sentence I included last year in my post:
“Resolutions are not really my thing as I always have this image of dusty treadmills and weight benches used as clothing hangers! Anyone who knows me realizes I could stand to loose about 40lbs but we all know that is NEVER going to happen! My love affair with chocolate always wins that battle!”
It turns out that I sit here today 37lbs lighter than I was at this time last year! I am not quite sure how it all worked out, but I went from eating (or devouring,) I would have to guess at least 3,000+ calories a day, to my now meager 1,200 – 1,400 calories a day. I tried pounding the treadmill, but it only made me miserable. So instead, I somehow managed to get my stress eating under control and have found, and been maintaining a healthy diet, which I am happy with, and can manage long term! Yay me! This is clearly not something I was planning on given those words I wrote in January, but I could not be more thrilled with how far I have come.
My last mission worked out so well, that I decided to carry on the tradition of reading a new “classic” that I have yet to read, every year at this time. So I did a little internet searching, and friend asking, and came up with a book that fits the bill for this year. It is Sophie’s Choice by William Styron. I was so surprised at what amazing reviews it has received on every site that I stumble upon. Of course there are always negative things to be said, but this book overall gets high reviews. My big concern is over this review in which she talks about all the overuse of vulgar sexual language, descriptive sex scenes, and sexual tendencies, etc.
Here are some related links:
Other Books:
January 1, 2011 @ 11:35 am
As far as having a healthy body lifestyle, we all know what we need to be doing, but where the rub comes in is having the self -discipline to live it out consistently. Yes, daughter you can be very pleased with the self-discipline you have brought into your life concerning eating healthier. You look fantastic, it is obvious that you feel better about your self both physically and emotionally. Keep on keeping on!
Now concerning this new classic piece of literature you are reading called “Sophie’s Choice”; does it contain any redeeming value/lesson to be learned? I read the reviews and “Whoa” what a dark, depressing piece of literature. I don’t know daughter; from my point of view just like the daily news your father listens to, this too appears to be quite the downer.