Our First Snow
Today is December First. This morning Chloe came to me and said “I woke up in the middle of the night. I saw something white out my window. When I looked out it was snowing!”. Needless to say, I looked out my window and a blanket of snow was covering our slice of the world!
So the first question of the day was “To put Ava in boots for preschool or not?”. We all know you don’t want to be the bad Mommy who does not bring their child prepared for the weather! So I donned Ava in boots, packed her snow pants, hat and mittens in her backpack and headed off to preschool.
Upon arriving home from dropping Ava at preschool, I find Chloe still in her pjs diligently working on her schoolwork for the day. By 10am Chloe is done except for her violin and geography work so she asks if she can do them later, and go outside to play in the snow now. Of course I let her and then Jayden wants to as well. Out of the moth balls come the boots, snow pants, hats and gloves! As, Chloe is getting dressed she is going on and on about how she remembers our first snow last year and how it packed into balls.
As they rushed outside, I headed upstairs to my computer. I thought I would site down and write a blog about our first snow. As I sat down I could envision the pictures from last year that I would use in my post. LIGHTBULB!! I suddenly realized I should be outside with them, taking pictures of our first snow! Living it, not sitting inside writing about it! So now I have fresh new pictures of our first snowfall to share with you. Chloe built her first snowman of the season, while Jayden shoveled snow around and threw it high up into the air!
December 1, 2009 @ 8:15 pm
Seeing Chloe putting the finishing touches on her snowman produced a flood of memories when Randy, Christopher, and you were that age. Each season of the year brings its own package of delight.