Easy Printable Elementary Homeschool Planner
It’s no secret that I am a planner girl. I can’t resist the lure of those crisp, empty pages just waiting to be filled with organization and color! From blog planners to bullet journals, and student planners galore, I have used them. The planner I want to talk about today is an easy printable elementary homeschool planner that I created for my 5th grader this year.
For many years I used Homeschool Tracker for all my planning and grading needs. At a time when I was struggling with feeling as though we weren’t accomplishing anything, it gave me a sense of order and organization. It was a one-stop place for things like attendance, grading, lesson planning, assignment sheets, reports cards and more. It was also very me intensive. It’s still a fabulous one-stop place for planning, records, and organization, but our needs have shifted to where I want our kids to be more hands on with their planners.
Our Planner Story
When my oldest hit high school I really wanted her to be planning out her own time and keeping track of her own work. Time Management for Teens is a super important skill, and a great one to work on in high school. At this time I released her stuff from Homeschool Tracker and gave her a 4 Year High School Planner.
Then my son hit middle school and he was asking for more say in what he did when. While I was concerned about his ability to do this, I created a modified planner system for him. We went to this Simple Homeschool Middle School Planner that I put together with a few simple items. It allowed him the ability to begin working on his own organizational skills, within a small framework to keep him on task.
Printable Elementary Homeschool Planner
Now onto my youngest child. My fiercely independent from birth child. While she has steered away from doing work on the computer (you can see what her 5th grade day looks like), she does still want an assignment sheet. (Insert sad mom face here as I was happy to give up all the data entry I was doing to create said assignment sheet.)
While she wasn’t keen on going to a full on planner, I new I could create a system that both she and I could work within, and one that would be working towards planner usage.
Printable Elementary Homeschool Planner Supplies
- colored pens
- printer and paper
- FREE Weekly Printable To-Do List
- 3 prong folder
I used basically the same color coding system for academic subjects as I did with the middle school planner.
Math – Singapore Math
English – Growing with Grammar and Soaring with Spelling
History – Who Was Biographies with Printable Notebook pages
Science – Equine Science from WinterPromise
Spanish – Speekee Spanish
Other – Things like field trips, riding lessons, and barn time
The big difference with this printable elementary homeschool planner is that I go through and fill it in ahead of time. This allows me to make adjustments, as well as to view and grade her work. She still has her “assignment sheet”, but I am not front loading on data entry.
If you want to see her full 5th Grade Curriculum in detail click the photo below:
October 3, 2016 @ 9:05 pm
Planning is so much fun! It’s often more fun than actually DOING the things on your list. LOL
October 4, 2016 @ 10:53 am
Ha! Sadly, this is true. I LOVE planning. But it rarely works out as planned.
October 6, 2016 @ 11:54 pm
This is SO awesome! It looks so authentic!