Project 365 ~ Days 58-73
This is how it started: The Beginning of Project 365
Day Fifty-Eight: Sunday February 27th
This is what happens when Jayden gets a hold of the camera! He took a series of pictures of the dogs, of Ava playing, and….like father, like son, himself!
Day Fifty-Nine: Monday, February 28th
Ava has recently taken a larger interest in these pattern blocks that I love so much. She set about doing all four pattern lines on this card. When all was said and done, she had them right, and had fun doing it.
Day Sixty: Tuesday, March 1st
Chuck E Cheese where a kid can be a kid! While my dear friend Shana had the opportunity to be a much coveted stay-at-home mom, we were able to spend some quality time with her and the boys. We took full advantage and headed to Chuck E Cheese for a quiet mid-week playtime!
Day Sixty-One: Wednesday, March 2nd
“Oscar, down!” This is what he looks like when you even look at him cross eyed and point to the floor! Too funny!
Day Sixty-Two: Thursday, March 3rd
Chloe fell in love with a fleece fabric that has become very popular with the girls at the gym. Instead of doing just a straight knotted blanket, we decided to put our own twist on it. We cut the fabric into squares and made a checkerboard pattern out of it. Stitching it together with hot pink yarn. She had been working diligently for days, hoping to have it completed to take on the road trip to her next competition.
Day Sixty-Three: Friday, March 4th
We love our monthly zoo classes. This month brought about animal disguises. Each of the kids got to choose an animal print hat and then make a mask using animal print felt. Ava chose the zebra because it matched the zebra print headband she just happened to have worn that day.
Day Sixty-Four: Saturday, March 5th
IT’S FINISHED! Chloe was so proud of her finished blanket. We weren’t sure how it was going to turn out, but I think it was a success!
Day Sixty-Five: Sunday, March 6th
The Victors Gymnastics Level 6 team took 1st place at Coaches Classic! Chloe is the one all the way to the right.
Day Sixty-Six: Monday, March 7th
The highly awaited, highly hyped up Colossal Dinosaur Exhibit at the RMSC. Ava is still dinosaur obsessed, so I was surprised when she wasn’t super enthusiastic about this exhibit. She was upset about how loud, the stegosaurus in particular was and just wanted to leave. I managed this not so thrilled looking picture of the three of them in front of T-Rex.
Day Sixty-Seven: Tuesday, March 8th
Happy 13th Anniversary to my husband Joe! He went out of character this year (we tend to stay on the practical side) and bought me a dozen red and 1 pink long stem rose.
Day Sixty-Eight: Wednesday, March 9th
Who knows where Joey comes up with these things! He started cutting into the pineapple and decided to get artistic with it! He thought it looked like a flower!
Day Sixty-Nine: Thursday, March 10th
Chutes & Ladders! Joey took to playing with Ava and was lucky that she won in the end! She looks happy here, but at the age of 4 she is a VERY sore loser!
Day Seventy: Friday, March 11th
Our good homeschool friends came over to share the afternoon with us. We enjoyed a shared lunch with 8 of us around the dining room table, and hours of fun for each of the children to play together. Chloe and Sasha spent all of their time together crafting. First it was cupcake shaped soaps, and then duct tape flip flops!
Day Seventy-One: Saturday, March 12th
It was an exciting day for me! My first piece of mail with my blog name (and maybe someday the name of my business) came. I have signed on to do book reviews for a place called Litfuse and this was the first book I received! Since I started my blog over a year ago it has ebbed and flowed along with my life. Recently I have been working very hard on making it more homeschool friendly and growing my readership. My hope is to give even just one person a bit of advice, a new activity idea, or a small inspiration for their life, in return for all that I get from the so many wonderful bloggers out there that have done the same for me.
Day Seventy-Two: Sunday, March 13th
As we were hanging out in the homeschool room, Ava took to singing into the vacuum. It was there from some much needed cleaning we had been doing around the computer desk. She put the hose (with the vacuum off) to her mouth (almost in her mouth) and sang the ABC song!
Day Seventy-Three: Monday March 14th
Ava my Picasso. I don’t know if it is because she is the third child or not, but for some reason I have always let her have at it with craft supplies (scissors, crayons, markers, glue, paint) much more than I did the other two. Maybe that is what is fostering her love of it! She loves to paint, color, and draw. This day was no exception as she took to painting one of Jayden’s wooden firetrucks to look like the Perler bead one we have sitting on the ledge.
March 17, 2011 @ 5:25 pm
These are great pictures! Your children are beautiful and Happy belated anniversary! Love those roses 🙂 Thank you for linking up to NOBH!