Project 365 ~ Days 74-82
This is how it started: The Beginning of Project 365
Day Seventy-Four: Tuesday, March 15th
My Little Ponies. Ava is in a pony phase these days. She has two My Little Ponies from a garage sale last summer that have recently become a favorite. Then we made a trip to the Dollar Tree and she found ponies there to add to her collection so they would have more “company”! Plus the little one in front was a gift from Poppy.
Day Seventy-Five: Wednesday, March 16th
The kids are working on independent projects of their choosing. Chloe chose spider monkeys and Jayden chose Florida. They have to have a written portion, a project portion, and then they will have to present. For Jayden’s project he is working on a salt dough map of Florida. This is him creating the outline in the pizza box for his map.
Day Seventy-Six: Thursday, March 17th
No one but the 4 of us will never know what lengths we had to go through to get this photo! I figured since we were all in green we would just plop down and snap a shot! Of course it couldn’t be that easy! From kids moving and shifting, to Muffin jumping in the way, to trying to place us all so I didn’t look like an Amazon, nothing went my way! So here is the best we could do! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Day Seventy-Seven: Friday, March 18th
After finding a tiny dead field mouse with our shoes in the garage I insisted Joey get right out and place the poison. The problem is that the dogs try to dig it up so we have to bury it very deep and keep an eye on them. Having Oscar as the new puppy we did not realize how bad he would really be. The day after placing the poison he got put out on the leash, not remembering about the poison. We went out to get him and his whole snout was covered in mud, inside and out, as well as his paws and he was digging a hole where one of the poisons was! Lucky for us, we had put it deep enough and under the air conditioner platform, that he did not reach it! Thus, the new signs all over the doors to remind us to keep the dogs safe!
Day Seventy-Eight: Saturday, March 19th
We were thrilled to have a special delivery brought to our house by the “shoe elf’! Our friends Shana and Dave built us this awesome picnic table! I fell in love with theirs last summer and Dave agreed to build us our very own for this year! We immediately got to sealing it, as well as buying a nice umbrella to go in it! Now all we need is to get rid of this rotten Rochester snow and we will be in business!
Day Seventy-Nine: Sunday, March 20th
This is a very happy 5 year old boy at his 5th birthday party! It was held at his local fire hall. All the kids even got a short ride in the fire truck and he was presented with a special community helpers certificate because in lieu of presents for his birthday he asked for donations of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors for the fire hall to distribute in his community! Awesome!
Day Eighty: Monday, March 21st
Ava is getting the opportunity to try out another on-line “curriculum”. In February, it was Time4Learning, and this month this one is just for Ava. It is called ABCMouse and it is for ages 3-Kindergarten. So far she seems to be enjoying this one more than Time4Learning. I plan on posting a review of this one as well, so check back to My Review page in a month or so for my review of ABCMouse.
Day Eighty-One: Tuesday, March 22nd
Dear Daddy,
I ironed your new green dress shirt AND your new tie. Now you have no excuse not to wear it. (no offense) Please wear it! Thanks.
Love your wonderful daughter,
This shirt and tie was a gift to Joey, from me, on our 13 year wedding anniversary which fell on March 8th, 2011. He had yet to wear it because he said it needed to be ironed. On this particular day Chloe was asking me about what I was going to buy Daddy for his birthday. I promptly told her I wouldn’t be getting him anything because he could not even manage to wear the shirt and tie I had bought him for our anniversary. She was extremely dismayed about the thought of Daddy not receiving anything from me for his birthday. Chloe immediately said that she would iron his shirt and tie for him so that he could wear them, and then I could buy him a birthday present! I hope he knows what a fantastic kid he has in her!
Day Eighty-Two: Wednesday March 23rd
A DAY WITH NO PICTURES! There are other days I may not have taken a picture but will substitute something that could fit there. Today I cannot even fake it! I spent 24+ hours flat backed in bed, knocked out with the flu! So in lieu of keeping with my goal of having these picture be a chronicle of my year, I decided to leave this the truly photo-less day! 🙁
March 27, 2011 @ 2:19 pm
It’s always heart-warming to view your photos and the captions that go along with them. It’s another wonderful way to feel connected to all of you.