Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ December 7th, 2010
FOR TODAY…December 7th, 2010
Outside my window…snow, snow and more snow. It has been snowing for 4 days straight here and we are still under a lake effect snow warning for more than another 24 hours. Winter is really here!
I am thinking…about how much I dislike winter, and the cold windy air that bites you upon opening the door. I know the kids love it, and I am happy for that, but I could be like a bear and hibernate in a warm den all winter!
I am thankful for…our puppy, Oscar. He has turned out to be such a good puppy. He potty trained easily (in about a month), he is crate trained without complaint, and he doesn’t seem to chew our things (I am knocking on wood as I type this).
From the learning rooms…check out this weeks Hip Homeschool Hop post for the latest thoughts and happenings from our homeschool world.
From the kitchen…our homemade chicken noodle soup is thawing for dinner as we speak. Although since we had our Pizza Hut Book It! reward trip today, I am not sure how hungry anyone will actually be for dinner.
I am creating…a whole lot of nothing! I have been busy “creating” the holiday cookies that need to be baked, cards that need to be signed, stamped and sent out, and decorating our home.
I am reading…A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. The kids and I have been listening to an audio version of it in the truck while we are driving to and fro. As well as reading some of the printed word from the book in between. The plan is to then watch a couple different movies versions as well. I really wanted to take them to see it at Geva Theatre but missed the boat on that this year!
I am hoping…to enjoy this holiday season. My goal is to not let all the stress and obligation take me away from enjoying this magical time of year with my children. We are planning a “Board Game & Holiday Movie” Extravaganza during the week of Christmas. Each child will get to pick one game a day that we will all play together and then we are all going to snuggle in to hot chocolate and a holiday movie together!
I am hearing…Chloe’s violin as she practices Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Last year she learned Jingle Bells, now that she knows Rudolph she would like to learn Frosty the Snowman.
Quote for the week…“No matter how good a public school teacher, he or she will always be required to teach the state’s values and the state’s perspective on subjects from sex to history and biology.” -Cal Thomas
A few plans for the rest of the week: Swimming lessons tonight, a mall trip to see Santa with Shana, our first recreation swim so that Chloe and Jayden can race each other, tree cutting, gymnastics competition etc.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing…
December 7, 2010 @ 5:21 pm
We rarely get snow where I am. I’m jealous. Then again, maybe not. Ha. Your soup sounds delicious. I remember when my girls were younger and we would love to go get our Pizza Hut Book It rewards too. Always yummy. Your Board Game & Holiday Movie Extravaganza sounds like a delightful idea! Love your picture. Thanks for sharing your Daybook.
December 8, 2010 @ 10:48 am
Photo of oscar is good… Nice Job!
December 8, 2010 @ 1:51 pm
Your ideas for Chloe, Jayden, and Ava are creative and sound delightfuly fun. Once again you a blessed with an awesome pet. It’s a beautiful picture of Oscar.