Simple Woman’s Daybook……February 15th, 2010
February 10, 2010…
Outside my window…the weather is cold, gloomy, and sad.
I am thinking…that despite the weather I feel as though it is going to be a good day.
I am thankful for…continued good health in our household. For the first time on Friday we were hit with a “stomach bug”. Luckily it was only Chloe and she only threw up once! So many around us have been plagued with the winter bug and flu. So I am very thankful to have been on the lesser end of them!
From the learning rooms…the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics are in full swing. We have enjoyed witnessing so many great successes already. Ohno took silver in the 1500m speed skate and Canada won it’s first home gold in the Men’s moguls.
From the kitchen…NOTHING! We are going to be enjoying a meal/event at my parents’ house in the form of fondue. It has been years since we did it. Chloe remembers it most and is the one who asked to do it again. It means a long time spent at the table cooking your little pieces of meat and dipping them into a plethora of different sauces. It means pudding dip and fruit, salads and bread, and most importantly it means family time.
I am wearing…pj’s of course! Rarely at 9am do I find myself dressed for the day. I sometimes even leave them on and throw on a jacket over them to drop Ava off at preschool!
I am creating…my 5″ x 5′ knitted squares for our Lap Blanket project . This is the completion of our first week and I have managed to knit 6 squares! That is so much more than I would have ever planned for. I am thrilled with my own personal success in the knitting department. (A post soon to come on my knitting story!)
I am going…to Home Depot today to look for more light fixtures. It seems we have been lighting fiends in our house recently. These latest ones will be for our homeschooling room.
I am reading…Gone With the Wind as I will be probably for months! I ordered my own copy this week. The library copy I have is an Avon addition and the print is so small that my tired eyes at 11pm are having a hard time focusing.
I am hoping…that we could go even 5 minutes without me having to play referee between Chloe and Jayden. Doubtful, I know, but this is the “hoping” line!
I am hearing…the coffee pot beeping downstairs. Joey was up early on this, his day off, to help his mother move furniture in her apartment. The walls in her new apartment were cracking and the construction company will be arriving tomorrow to fix the problem. Thus she is clearing her stuff into a safe place away from all the drywall dust!
Around the house…everything is pretty clean and picked up. We hosted our Mother/Daughter Book Club here yesterday and having company always inspires a good “clean up”!
One of my favorite things…hearing silence in my house because that means no one is fighting or complaining!
A few plans for the rest of the week: My plans are different this week because it is Winter Break here. That means many of our activities are off for the week. Although Chloe still has a couple of gymnastics practices. Instead of so many out of the house activities we are going to spend time watching the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics unfold. Already it has brought us all together to cheer on our country and even others as well!
Here is the picture for thought I am sharing… at this time last year we had our friends the Grab family here, visiting with us! So in honor of our friendship I am sharing a photo of our time together!
February 16, 2010 @ 9:43 am
Hi Heidi,
This is my first time visiting your Daybook. I enjoyed my visit very much, but couldn’t see the ‘picture thought’.
I love your little ‘sharing is caring!’ widget. Where does one find that?
Well, take care and have a lovely week.
February 16, 2010 @ 9:44 am
Sorry! I probably was not patient enough, waiting for the pic to load. Now I see it! Thanks.
February 16, 2010 @ 9:51 am
Thank you Joyce for visiting and commenting. Our photos can be a little large sometimes. Thank you for sticking it out to see my photo!
The “sharing is caring” is the “Sexy Bookmarks” Plugin for WordPress.
February 18, 2010 @ 3:34 pm
I love the photo of you and your friend. It’s great fun to have visitors. I hope you have a great week. Doylelne