The Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ June 22, 2010
June 22nd, 2010…
Outside my window…no sun yet but here’s hoping!
I am thinking…about how excited Ava was to turn 4. The past few weeks she has been telling me, “Mommy I am 3 (while holding up 3 fingers), but on June 21st I am going to be 4 (changing to having 4 fingers up)!”.
I am thankful for…my baby of babies, Ava Grace, who turned 4 yesterday. She is our mush, and my ladybug. Our lover of dinosaurs and Tinkerbell.
From the learning rooms…we are winding down the school year and moving into “summer mode”. A lot less structure than we are used to. We are looking forward to soaking up more sun (If we get any here in NY).
From the kitchen…not sure what is for dinner tonight. The list on the refrigerator will tell me!
I am wearing…pjs since I just rolled out of bed.
I am creating…a whole lot of nothing right now. I plan on knitting 8″ x 8″ squares throughout the summer in the hopes that when winter rolls around again I will have a decent start to the 48 squares Chloe wants to make her own blanket.
I am going…to paint ceramics with the kids and some friends today. I am excited to see what each of them picks out to do as their project.
I am reading…multiple books right now. The Secret Garden for our Mother/Daughter Book Club, The Girls by Lori Lansens for my Adult Book Discussion, and The Core:Teaching Your Child the Foundations of Classical Education of which I will be writing a review to post on my blog at the publisher’s request.
I am hoping…to get my end of year paperwork for this year and my beginning of the year paperwork for the coming year in the mail today. I like having it done now so that I don’t have to focus on it or worry about it over the summer.
I am hearing…whispers from Ava’s room. Ava and Jayden think that I can’t hear them, but I have supersonic Mommy ears. 8am has rolled around again and it is time for the day to begin.
Around the house…most things are in order. The fair weather projects we wanted to get done, are done. Now we can shift into summer fun and camping mode.
One of my favorite things…chocolate. Since starting on my journey of weight loss, I am not privy to nearly the amount of chocolate that I would like. It is the hardest part of loosing weight, with trying tofit exercise into my day a very close second!
Quote for the week…The secret to happiness is not in doing what one likes to do, but in liking what one has to do.
A few plans for the rest of the week: ceramics with friends today, a trip to the dentist, Walk n Talk with Shana, Seabreeze with fellow homeschoolers, celebrating Ava’s birthday, I know there is more but without my calender in front of me my brain can’t remember it all!
Here is the picture for thought I am sharing…
June 23, 2010 @ 11:02 am
My grandaughter is such a character!! Moments and pictures like these provide joy in your heart and place a smile on your face. Caption for picture of Ava with bucket of strawberries: “Yum, Yum, these are all Mine!!!”