Things People Say….about homeschool ~ Also “The 14 Days of Homeschool”
The kids and I were at the zoo for a class on amphibians. It is for kids ages 4-6, but I sit in because Ava wants me there, Chloe wants to sit it because she likes it, and Jayden sits because he has to! Some other adults stay and some don’t. This time there was a grandmother there with her grandson.
As we were walking through one of the buildings, checking out the different amphibians, Ava was unhappy having to wait her turn. The grandmother turns to me and says, “You homeschool don’t you?”. I replied that yes indeed, I do homeschool. Which was followed by a comment I was not prepared for. She looks up and says to me, totally serious and with a judgmental, condescending tone on, “that is why she has such a hard time waiting for her turn.”
I had all I could do to close my mouth and not make her narrow minded opinions any worse! Those who know me, know that I do not stand by and take such things from anyone. But today, that woman got a get out of jail free card, and she will never know how lucky she is that she did!
Seriously though, can she honestly say that makes any sense? Homeschool or not, Ava is who she is, and she’s just plain impatient at the age of 4! Just because I homeschool does not mean my children don’t know how to wait their turn. I also had an 11 year old and an almost 8 year old who seemed to be managing just fine!
So as I sat at my computer preparing to come up with a blog post for tonight (which has now stemmed past midnight), I was thinking about the zoo and clicking through the Facebook posts for the day when I came across a post from Hip Homeschool Moms called The Fourteen Days of Homeschool! It couldn’t be more perfect after the above mentioned incident I had at the zoo! I found 2 slightly different versions on YouTube that I just had to put up here! In just 14 lines it covers so many of the questions we face as a homeschooling family. Is what we do perfect? No. Would it work for everyone? Probably not. But it works for us, and that is all the explanation I owe anyone!
December 4, 2010 @ 7:34 pm
Not only are the words in the two videos true, but it was creative, entertaining, and brought a huge smile to my face.
December 5, 2010 @ 10:18 am
Seriously, where do I get started?!?! What a great community you have in homeschooling! Love it (and only a little jealous because as I’ve said before, I couldn’t do it!)
December 6, 2010 @ 11:26 am
It’s funny how much the casually cruel words of a stranger can hurt. Intellectually, you know that some weirdo’s opinion matters not at all, but it still feels like a sucker punch to the gut. Your children are adorable, well-behaved, and you are an awesome homeschool mom.
December 6, 2010 @ 1:25 pm
Rachel, it is so sweet of you to say so! Thank you. It really did sucker punch me. I was very aware of her behavior and was dealing with it. How it related to being homeschooled was a little bit of a stretch for me though!
December 7, 2010 @ 3:05 pm
wow, what a stupid thing to say! I am not surprised, tho. I have to say, I don’t lie awake at night worrying that my kids won’t know how to stand in line. Somehow, in life, they will manage it.
-she’s 4, that is why she has trouble standing in line! She also has trouble not spilling drinks of juice…!!!
I’ve always wanted to reply to such snark with, “oh, you must have been public schooled and learned rudeness there!”
but, I am always to nice to actually do that to someone…but, one of these days!
I’m visiting from the Hip Homeschool hop! 🙂
December 7, 2010 @ 3:50 pm
I feel sad when I hear how openly judgmental people can be. Especially those of other generations who have gone before us and know from experience how trying parenthood can be. You are a better person for taking the high road.
Stopping by from the hop – look forward to reading more of your blog!