Three Simple Tips for Better Photos
The Monthly theme this month is “What is your favorite tip?” Whether it’s for home schooling, house work, traveling, planning a party, or whatever you think of! Maybe your favorite tip is just the thing someone else is looking for and can incorporate in their lives… May is full of flowers and A New Beginning:).
Recently my love for photography has been spurred anew. My final goal was to turn my camera completely manual. I understand this is not for everyone, but there are some basic photography tips that can really help boost the look of your photos….without even shooting in manual!
First of all, to make a more interesting composition in your photos, use what is called THE RULE OF THIRDS. This simply put means, don’t put your subject directly square in the center of the photo. Envision a grid (like tic-tac-toe) across your camera screen and place your subject near one of the 4 cross sections in your grid.

To read the rest of my tips, head over to No Ordinary Blog Hop! Check out some of the other great bloggers in the hop while you are there!