10 Highly Efficient Websites for High School
High School students seem to be neglected online. Most articles and most websites aimed at students are geared towards older students in college, unless the website is trying to make money from them with freemium games. To redress the balance a little, here are ten of the best and most useful websites for High School students.
This is a fantastic website that students use to learn about financial aid and to figure out how much they are able to get thanks to their parent’s income. It tells who is eligible for aid and it is run by one of the offices in the US department for education.
As a student, you are able to watch and learn in your own time. You are not able to get actual credits or degrees, but you can learn skills that other colleges and universities are not willing or able to teach, such as customer care, branded training, eCommerce and such.
3. Assignment Masters Essay Writing Help
This is a website that helps students directly. If you are a student and you are struggling with your written coursework or essays, these people will proofread and help you edit your work.
This is a website primarily for self-learners and distance learners. It is a social media network set up for people that are studying at home. It is a nice website to play around with if you are distance learning, and some students claim they have gained a lot via this interactive network.
Here you are given access to literally thousands of books and all for free. Many of them have gone past their copyright, which means you can own and read them without having to pay. Others are donated or copyright free pieces that the website is legally allowed to give away without fear of prosecution.
6. Joe’s Goals
As the name of the tool suggests, this is a goal tracker that you may use to set and enter your goals. You put them into your week and then try to achieve them. If you do well, then you get a tick and if you fail you get a cross. It lists both good and bad things you can do so you can reward yourself for doing good things and punish yourself for doing bad things.
This is a very popular tool that people use to make and maintain lists. You put up a list of the things you need to remember and then mark them off. It is easy to use and a great many people say it makes them more productive and efficient.
8. Read Print
If you have to study a piece of ancient literature from one of the classic authors, then you can find it online and pay for a digital copy, or you can read it for free with this website. It has hundreds of essays, fiction, non-fiction, plays and poetry books.
Some students are highly concerned about the environment, which is fair enough since when they are 30 they will be living in floods or desserts. They are able to buy artwork from this website that gives people a nudge in a more green direction.
10. Campus Tours
It is not always possible to physically visit some campuses and colleges. Sometimes you have to go by what you know or what you have researched. At the Campus Tours website you are able to take a look around the campus using their video feeds. They do not show you the ugly parts. They do give you an idea of what it is like on campus.
Author Bio: Linda Craig is an eager writer, language learner and editor for Assignmentmasters. She is mastering her skills in German and Mandarin and looking for productivity and motivational tools. Feel free to reach Linda by Twitter
Finishing Strong- Homeschooling the Middle & High School Years 75 - Blog, She Wrote
February 10, 2016 @ 6:02 am
[…] 10 Highly Efficient Website for High School by Starts at Eight […]
February 11, 2016 @ 11:25 am
I’m a little appalled that an essay writing service would be on this list. Writing essays is something important that teenagers need to learn to do. These essay writing sites prevent them from learning (they don’t provide legitimate tutoring services), and using them would be considered plagiarism in most educational services.
February 11, 2016 @ 4:27 pm
I can totally sympathize with you on that. However this was a guest post, not written by me, and therefore not necessarily all views are ones I would totally agree with. On the flip side, there are many great resources included in the list!