Weekly Wrap-Up ~ Dewey, the Universe, and Glitter Glue
Sunday: We hosted our Mother/Daughter Book Club at our house this month. The book we chose was Dewey the Library Cat, by: Vicki Myron and Bret Witter. We did a cute little Dewey Decimal activity/get to know each other a little better activity. I printed out these things: template of a book cover, and a Dewey Decimal System Chart.
Link to printable book cover:
Link to printable Dewey Chart:
We talked briefly about the difference between fiction and non-fiction. This is the definition I gave the girls to go by: fiction is an entertaining, make-believe story that is not real; non-fiction is true information that gives you facts to explain something. Then I asked the girls to pick something they are interested in that would fit as a non-fiction book. Then they could choose a title or just write the subject. For example, Karate, Birds, Gymnastics, etc. Each of the girls decorated a book cover with their subject/title on it, and decided which 100 range it would fit into on the Dewey Chart. Then each one had a turn to stand up in front of the rest of us, tell us what they chose, why they chose it, let us ask questions, and then discuss what 100 range it fell in to.
Monday: Today was the first day (after 4 years of lessons), that we went to afternoon music lessons. It was also Jayden’s first piano lesson from someone other than me. This is Chloe’s 5th year taking violin from The Michael Edwards Music Studio. Jayden was beaming after his first lesson saying, “The time went so fast, I had so much fun!”.
Tuesday: Ava’s new love right now is painting. She likes painting using glitter glue as well as paint. She paints so many “pictures” in one sitting that I cannot keep them all. On Thursday she looked at the display wall and asked, “Where are all my pictures?. I told her they were hanging right there. But smarty pants that she is, she looked at me and said “But where are the OTHER ones?. I told her that she does too many for Mommy to keep them all so I had to throw some of them away. Luckily, she was alright with that answer.
Wednesday: Is always so much fun for the kids. We attend story time at Barnes and Noble with our favorite story time man, Mr. Mike. Then we eat lunch in the food court with Poppy and Gommy. Chloe was happy because Poppy took her to The Genesee Center for the Arts to pick up her bust she had done in clay class a few weeks ago.
Thursday: This year for science we are covering “Earth Science”. We are starting out with the Solar System. We used cereal boxes to punch holes in the shapes of constellations. Then we went into the dark pantry, stuck flashlights inside the boxes, and enjoyed the results!
Some of the big dipper on the bottom is cut off, and the top one is Orion. It was difficult for me to take pictures in complete darkness so it is not the best photo.
Ava and I also had some alone time tonight while Jayden and Daddy went off to football practice in the rain, and Chloe was at the gym. Ava insisted on putting together the dinosaur skeletons from a book called Totally Dinosaurs. She was surprisingly good at reading the numbers in the book and finding the pieces in the bone pile. We chose to do Triceratops and T-Rex. Ava said it was so that T-Rex could eat the Triceratops!
Friday: Today includes a little math and language lessons, but then lots of fun. We are having friends over to play this afternoon. Then this evening Joey is taking Chloe and Jayden to a Rochester Rhino’s soccer game.
For more Weekly Wrap-Ups head over to Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers
September 17, 2010 @ 2:50 pm
Love the idea of punching out constellations and then viewing them in the dark. The photo turned our quite well given the circumstances. Can’t wait to see how Jayden progresses with Mike for piano lessons and also to hear Jayden and Chloe play a song together. Ava Grace certainly is extremely perceptive noticing the missing paintings. You do a wonderful job of incorporating interesting activities along with learning experiences.
September 17, 2010 @ 11:09 pm
I love your constellations! What a fun project! We studied astronomy last year – so fun!!
Have a great weekend! 😉
September 18, 2010 @ 10:30 am
Sounds like you had something fun every day! I loved the book about Dewey.
September 18, 2010 @ 11:22 pm
The constellation idea is amazing!! Thanks for sharing. I’m stopping by from the weekly wrap up, and am a new follower!
September 20, 2010 @ 7:40 pm
I really like the constellations idea. You’ve got some great ideas!
September 21, 2010 @ 12:47 pm
What a fun week! I love the Dewey decimal idea . I was just talking to my children about how we used to find books in the library before there were computers. They will enjoy this activity. Thanks!