Weekly Wrap Up ~ Our Last Official Week
Monday: This is our last “official” week of homeschooling for the year. I will wrap up the paperwork and get it sent in to the district. That is not to say that we are done with learning or work! We school year round. During the summer though we go into a lighter more laid back mode. We are going to give The Simple Homeschool Free Weekly Summer School Unit Studies a whirl. We will be starting off next week with weather!
Wednesday: We have actually had a little nice weather here (FINALLY!), so we have been taking advantage. This week Wednesday, just like last week we headed to the beach to enjoy the nice weather. It was the busiest I have ever seen this little stretch of beach! So nice just the same.
Thursday: Today we wrapped up Ava’s Daisy Girl Scouts for the year. They had their final awards ceremony in which she had a turn to be the flag holder for the color guard and Pledge of Allegiance. They all earned the final patch from their first Daisy Girl Scout Journey Book – It’s Your World Change it – Gardening. I know they all enjoyed growing their sunflowers from seeds and then planting them for the folks at one of our local nursing homes. We are looking forward to the coming year and working on a new Journey book with our Daisy friends.
June 11, 2011 @ 12:32 pm
What a cute little Daisy! My daughter joined GS this past year as a Brownie and has absolutely LOVED it! We have been blessed with a wonderful troop.
Enjoy your beginning of summer:)
June 11, 2011 @ 8:17 pm
Awe!!! My grandaughter is such an adorable Daisy Girl Scout. They certainly had fun/interesting field trips along with creative projects.
June 11, 2011 @ 8:23 pm
How cute is she? Congrats on your last week. It was ours too.
Just popping in from the wrap-up.
June 13, 2011 @ 10:29 am
Hip HIp Hooray! Enjoy the Summer! Thanks for sharing on NOBH!!
June 18, 2011 @ 4:16 am
A trip to the beach sounds like fun, we don’t live near a beach. My daughter is in GS too:) That is a cute picture of your little girl Thanks for linking up to the NOBH:)