Weekly Wrap Up ~ RMSC & Thanksgiving Acrostic Poems
Monday: This week brought about another Museum/Music Lesson Monday. The RMSC was our destination this week since we have been to the Strong National Museum of Play the previous two times. The kids were excited to get to RMSC. We spent much of our time in Light Here/Light Now making a large bubble to pop, making ourselves bigger and smaller in the concave/convex mirror and playing songs on the “Laser Harp”.
We then moved on to the K’NEX Exhibit where even Ava found something she could build!
Tuesday: With Thanksgiving drawing near we are finding more time to slow down the work load and do other fun things. Tuesday brought about something called Candy Science, in which we found an educational way to use up some of our Halloween candy. (More about these experiments on Tuesday for my Hip Homeschool Hop)
Wednesday: Story time with Mr. Mike was particularly fun this week because he read about one of Ava’s favorite subjects…..Dinosaurs. The story this week was How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? by Jane Yolen.
Thursday: Winter time brings one of the kids favorite Thursday activities….Homeschool Ice Skating. Not only do they enjoy ice skating, but they love the chance to connect with friends they don’t always get to see.
Friday: Today we spent time reflecting on the things we are thankful for. We started by making a list of those things. Then the kids took to writing a poem that not only included some of those things, but each line started with a letter in the word Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving Acrostic Poems:
Thanksgiving reminds me to be thankful for many things.
How about things like my family
And friends.
Next, crafts give me something to do.
Knowing the electric is
Surging in my house, and
Giving me the power to watch tv
Is another reason I am thankful.
Very much I like to do math.
I am thankful for the paper to write.
Now I must include food, water, and
Games to end my list.
Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all the things I am thankful for.
Homeschooling being one of them,
And also my comfy bed.
Next on my list is books and more books!
Knitting clothes is not my thing, but I would gladly
Shop the stores for them.
Gymnastics is another one.
It keeps me slim and it’s
Very fun!
I am also thankful for
Notebooks, electricity, water, and food.
Giving special recognition to my family and friends.
November 19, 2010 @ 5:08 pm
What a neat museum. Who woudn’t love a K’nex exhibit?
November 20, 2010 @ 12:33 pm
Beautiful poems!
Fun, hands on week! LOVE the How Do Dinosaurs….books! We have a few of those – favorites!
November 20, 2010 @ 10:04 pm
Thank you Jessy. I actually have a photo of the really cute Pilgrim Boy and Girl that they used to decorate their poems. Now my 4 year old did one with a turkey. I am going to photo all 3 and add them to the post. It was a really nice activity for Thanksgiving time for all of their ages!