Weekly Wrap-Up ~ Week 10 ~ Election Day & Girl Scout Soccer ~ 11/9/12
Quote For The Week:
“Give yourself permission to suck, it is the only way to learn.”
You can read the full article that corresponds to this quote here.
I was nominated in the Homeschool Post Blog Awards for Best SUPER Homeschooler!! Please considering clicking the button below and voting for me! You can vote once a day per device through 11/16/2012

Tuesday: Election Day: Every year as a NYS employee Joey gets election day off. It is a treat to have him home, and it makes it much easier for us to head out and vote (usually kids in tow). Given that this is a Presidential Election year, I have been working with the kids to learn about our election process and in turn will stem off into American Government later in the year. No matter how you voted it was a tight, heated race, but when the results came in they declared Barack Obama our United States President for 4 more years.
Wednesday: We spent the whole morning at the dentist’s office. It takes about 2 hours for the 4 of us (the 3 kids and myself) to get our teeth cleaned. We then enjoyed lunch with Poppy, and a fairly long trip to Wal-Mart and The Dollar Store before heading back home.
In science we are continuing to learn about the Human Body by studying joints this week. Between a couple of nice YouTube videos, some worksheets, and a hands on lab for Friday, we should have a decent handle on the different joints in the body. I will have a separate post on all our joint activities to come soon, but I would like to share this neat website we found in which you can, “Take on the role of the Surgeon throughout a hip or knee replacement surgery.”
Thursday: Ava had Girl Scouts in the morning. We worked on finishing up a badge called Fair Play. To do that I helped out our leader by teaching the girls a little bit about soccer. We started out drawing pictures of the field, talking about what makes up a soccer field, and a little bit about the basics of the game. We talked about two local soccer teams: The Rochester Rhinos and the Rochester Ravens. We then headed outside (after drawing sticks for teams) to give playing the game a try. I was pleasantly surprised how well it went. Each child participated and in the end said they loved the game. I think it helped that we ended that game in a 3-3 tie!
November 12, 2012 @ 7:29 pm
I do enjoy your pictures and thoughts on homeschooling. I did vote for you. I liked the quote too. The election was a rough one. I really like the site for teaching children about the human body. I think my daughter that homeschools will like this information.
November 13, 2012 @ 9:03 am
Thank you LeAnn for voting for me! I never even looked to see if I was nominated so I was so surprised when someone told me I was! There are many blogs greater than mine that I am sure will win, but it was pretty cool that someone thought enough of my blog to nominate it!
November 16, 2012 @ 11:14 am
Awe! you used the quote..