Wordless (almost) Wednesday
I took the 2011 photo this past weekend. Then a few hours later Chloe was showing me a photo and she was altering with a photo app on her ipod. I thought it was the 2011 one and questioned her as to how she already had it on her ipod. It turns out it was a photo from the Winter of 2010! It looked so similar to the one I had just taken! Thus I dug back and found the one from 2010, and just had to put them into a side by side format!
February 9, 2011 @ 8:50 am
WOW! If you had not explained that the pictures were from two different winters I would not have guessed it.
Your father spoke about how much fun Ava, Jayden, and Chloe have making snow forts with him. The joy certainly shows on Ava’s face.
February 9, 2011 @ 9:17 am
That is awesome! You should take a similar photo again next year for posterity! 🙂